Flight passenger from Bogotá died of covid-19 in Cartagena


In Cartagena, the death by covid-19 of a passenger who arrived from Bogotá, on one of the first reopening flights.

The 41-year-old man from Bogotá arrived in Cartagena in the company of his wife and three-year-old daughter, for business reasons and according to the airport registry, none had symptoms.

See also: International flights in Colombia would be reactivated on September 21

“At the time of admission of the symptomatic patient at night, according to what the wife says, he presented an occasional cough and was associated in due course with the air conditioning in the room,” said Johanna Bueno, director of Dadis Cartagena.

However, in a few hours the tourist’s state of health became complicated and four days after his arrival, he had to be hospitalized.

According to Johanna Bueno, “the patient classified for a severe acute respiratory infection in the context of covid, the test was performed and it came out positive.”

The authorities have already carried out the epidemiological siege, the wife’s test was negative and today the daughter will be performed.

The taxi driver who took him to the hotel, from where he left for the hospital, has already been identified; now the authorities are reviewing the protocol for passengers on domestic flights, in order to make adjustments to avoid new cases of contagion.

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“Among these, the application of antigen tests to be able to identify, rule out or confirm and in that sense take measures in a timely manner”, indicates Bueno.

The authorities also check whether the antigen tests to be carried out on passengers would be borne by the city, the airline or the passenger.
