fishermen in Taganga are surprised with whale shark and release it


A video circulating on social networks shows the moment when a whale shark is released into the sea from that samarian township after being trapped in the fishing line of some fishermen who were doing their work there.

The recording is collected by Sustainable Week, a medium that indicates that the heroic gesture of the fishermen occurred near the Punta Aguja bay, how far did the young man go fish of more than 5 meters long, that “at this time makes presence in the Colombian Caribbean sea is looking for food”.

The video shows how the 4 fishermen, once on the beach, coordinate to do so release the great shark from the net and even turn it and push it into the sea, after which they shout excited for the act that, immediately, allowed the fish to enter the waters of the Colombian Caribbean again.


This species of aquatic animal “is the largest shark in the world” and “the largest fish in the sea”, and its presence “works as an indicator of the health of the ocean and ecosystems,” says the portal World Wildlife Fund (WWF ).

“Very high prices are paid for their guts, their meat and their oil. Demand in international markets is high and the whale shark continues to be fished to meet this demand, especially in those areas where the fisheries are not regulated or regulations are not followed, “said the international organization.

For these reasons, according to the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), this species of shark is in danger of extinction, WWF quote.
