First patient reinfected with coronavirus in Colombia? | Trends


At the Cartagena del Mar Clinic he is under medical observation the first patient in Colombia to have been reinfected with coronavirus, after having overcome the outbreak two months ago.

This is supported by Mario Montoya, coordinator of internal medicine at the medical center where the patient is located.

(Cases of coronavirus reinfections increase in the world).

In an interview on Blu Radio, Montoya pointed out that “We are dealing with a patient who initially had a proven infection, according to the guidelines of the Ministry of Health. He recovered and, again, with the presence of symptoms, a new test is done that reports positive “.

According to his version, the patient was diagnosed with coronavirus on May 21 and after a second test came back negative.

(They detect the first reinfected with coronavirus in the world).

However, After presenting symptoms associated with the virus again on August 21, he was again diagnosed with Covid-19, making it the first case of reinfection in Colombia.


Faced with this news, the infectologist Carlos Álvarez, coordinator of covid-19 studies in Colombia for the World Health Organization (WHO), He noted that the only way to reach this conclusion is by showing that the two infections were caused by two viruses with different genetics.

In other words, Álvarez explains that the genetic material of the first and second molecular PCR tests is different.

Álvarez adds that the case requires review because some studies have shown that remains of a virus can remain for several months and have variations compared to laboratory tracking. This is not to mention that the tests are subject to false negatives or positives that must be ruled out before calling these cases as reinfections..

In any case, the infectologist Álvarez says that this case must be studied in depth and with scientific rigor.

For her part, Martha Ospina, director of the National Institute of Health (INS) ratifies what Álvarez has said in the sense that without genotyping the viruses that prove that they are of different lineages, these claims cannot be made.

Ospina explains that it may be “simply strands that remain and continue to show positive.”


Until now, scientific evidence has managed to document cases of reinfections in patients in Hong Kong, the Netherlands and Belgium, and there are some possible cases in the United States, Brazil and Ecuador, although, as the World Health Organization (WHO) points out, they are only something exceptional among the 12.87 million infections that America has.
