First Lady María Juliana Ruiz did ask for a book about her, test Noticias Uno


Last Sunday, Noticias Uno reported that the First Lady, María Juliana Ruiz, had held a meeting with members of the General Archive of the Nation in which she expressed her interest in the entity making a biographical book in which to speak about the activities that she led from her role in the Casa de Nariño.

President Iván Duque’s wife received numerous criticisms for that information. For this reason, Ruiz issued a statement in which he denied what was said by the newscast and pointed out that what was discussed at the meeting with the General Archive was the possibility of building a historical memory document in which They will talk about the importance of the first ladies that Colombia has had since the 20th century.

From the Casa de Nariño they pointed to the Noticias Uno report as ‘fake news’. Seeing that situation, the news program decided to respond in its broadcast on this holiday Monday.

The journalist Juliana Ramírez published the written conversation she had with the director of the General Archive of the Nation, Enrique Serrano, to show that from the entity they accepted that in the meeting with the First Lady they spoke of an autobiographical book.

Ramírez told Serrano: “She (the First Lady) asked that the entity you lead make an autobiographical book on the role of the First Lady. I would like to know how the process of making the book is going and when it would be published ”. To that message, the director of the General Archive replied: “Indeed, I held a meeting in this regard, but the information you require is still under investigation to tell you exactly when it would be ready. “

The reporter also asked Serrano if the First Lady’s book would be published this year, to which the director of the General Archive replied that he considered that its publication would take place in the first semester of next year.

María Juliana Ruiz had said in her statement that she did not have “interest in leading roles, my actions are never motivated by either vanity or self-centeredness ”, and he reaffirmed that idea during an interview he gave to Noticias RCN, which was also broadcast this holiday Monday, in which he declared that what was said by Noticias Uno was false.

Just an hour after that interview was broadcast, the proof that the newscast had in its hands arrived. Next, the screenshot of the conversation between the journalist from Noticias Uno and Serrano, which was shared in the newscast tonight:

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