First face to face of the recall process of Mayor Quintero


Recall movement

Andres Rodriguez

1. Discrediting institutions: The destabilization of EPM and its subsidiaries, mainly due to the lawsuit against the consortiums that participate in the construction, consulting and auditing of Hidroituango, which in no way improved the finances of these institutions. Rodríguez added the abandonment of Emvarias, the proposed sale of UNE, resignations of boards of directors and officials and unjustified dismissals in entities.

2. Bureaucracy and nepotism in the administration: Rodríguez criticizes the creation of positions in the administrative reform of the mayor’s office. In 2020, the current government, endorsed by powers granted by the Council, implemented the institutional redesign and created 23 positions: 16 at the managerial level and seven at the professional level. Municipal modernization has a cost of $ 2,086 million annually.

3. Mishandling in the pandemic: Rodríguez says that Medellín Me Cuida, a platform that obtained data from 3.5 million people, does not comply with habeas data standards. He criticizes the mayor for the million-dollar investment in the 80 Clinic, which is not owned by the Municipality, and says that there is politicization in the development of low-cost ventilators, designed by the academy, Ruta N and supported by businessmen.

Four. Works and maintenance of the road network and public areas: It alleges that to date the projects that came from previous administrations have not been completed and little progress is made. He says there is no progress in any new project. Criticizes the deterioration of some roads, traffic lights and bridges in the urban area; and mentions garbage and debris in public green areas of the city.

5. Justify that economic reactivation in the pandemic it is not a variable taken into account in this municipal administration. He says that businessmen feel abandoned, without support or economic relief to face the closures forced by curfews and quarantines. It concludes that commerce in general has been diminished by bankruptcies and store closures.

In defense of Daniel Quintero

Councilor Álex Flórez

1. Political interests: For councilman Álex Flórez, who defends the actions of Daniel Quintero, the recall committee has a political purpose. “It is promoted by burned-out candidates, whose candidacies did not prosper. They intend to reissue the results of the elections ”, he argues. He adds that the mayor reached 303,420 votes, which made him the president with the most votes in the history of Medellín.

2. Compliance with the Development Plan: Councilor Flórez says that the government plan has had an important fulfillment. “In 2020, 93% of the actions proposed there were completed.” According to the lobbyist, this is the main argument why the mayor should not be recalled. Flórez says that the Development Plan was made with a view to those who “need it most and have not been listened to.”

3. Milestones for the city: Daniel Quintero achieved two events that, according to Flórez, are historical. The first of them was the signing of co-financing with the National Government for the 80 subway. With this, the project becomes viable. Second, the councilor highlights that the president established zero enrollment for 24,000 students last semester. By 2021 the figure rose to 28,000 students.

Four. There is no general dissatisfaction: In the Metropolitan Survey of EL COLOMBIANO, presented in November 2020, Mayor Quintero achieved 69% approval from the citizens. This, according to councilor Flórez, shows that most of the population gives a boost to the president. He adds that it makes no sense to seek a recall of a “so popular” mayor.

5. A different government: The mandate of Daniel Quintero promised to be different from the previous ones. Therefore, he did not hesitate to sue EPM to fight for the resources of the cost overruns. In addition, he has been interested in the north of the city, the most precarious part. Those are the arguments of Councilor Flórez to say that the Quintero government has been different. “He gave a voice to the most vulnerable,” he concludes.

Nestor Julian Restrepo

Eafit Political Master’s Director

The revocation of the mandate is a valid, fundamental tool in democracy. But, in the case of Medellín, what is being seen is the use of this tool for a fight of political elites or personal businesses. We have some elites who do not agree with the way the mayor removed them from power. I think it is not relevant because we are in a crisis and the public agenda is not being handled by Quintero, but by the pandemic. There is a damaging fight for the political stability of Medellín and Antioquia. That is why I believe that, in the end, those who will lose will be the citizens. Quintero, instead of worrying about governing, will focus on defending himself. The others will be looking for more reasons to revoke it.

Bernardo alejandro guerra

Former councilman in favor of revocation

Revoke the mandate of Daniel Quintero is the legal and constitutional way we have to straighten the direction of the city. He attacked the institutions and ended the State-University union. Also, he handed the city over to inept people. That is why we promote the revocation, which is the legal way to remove the ruler. On the other hand, and this is serious, Quintero put an end to corporate governments, such as EPM’s, but that applies to all entities of the Municipality. Another sin is that it ended impact programs in the city and fired competent people for hiring incompetent ones. That happened, for example, in Metrosalud. The recall is gaining a lot of strength, it is a movement to which people are joining.


The electoral authority must verify citizen support for the revocation proposal.


The registrar will send the certification to the governor to set the date on which the vote will take place.


If the requirements are met, the Registrar will be responsible for coordinating with electoral authorities.


There must be disclosure, promotion and realization of the call for voting in which everything will be defined.
