first doses in Colombia will be for high-risk population


September 23, 2020 – 04:49 pm

Editorial Office of El País – Colprensa

The Minister of Health and Social Protection, Fernando Ruiz, recalled that the 10 million doses that Colombia undertook to acquire through its participation in the COVAX mechanism will be destined for the population at greatest risk, that is, adults over 60 years of age. people with comorbidities and health personnel in the country.

The minister also reported that the initial cost of the 10 million doses is 106 million dollars, which must be paid before the end of October in order to have access to the vaccines.

Ruiz affirmed that from the COVAX mechanism it is expected that the vaccine may be available by the second half of 2021. However, there could be earlier results through bilateral negotiations, mechanisms in which each country negotiates with manufacturers directly , and that they hope to have a vaccine by the first half of 2021.

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The minister stressed that Colombia does not rule out holding other negotiations for the vaccine, since the country is open to all the options that exist. “We are waiting for more evidence to be generated regarding efficacy and especially safety,” he stressed.

In addition, he explained that for the distribution of the vaccine, Colombia already has logistics to vaccinate 10 million people a year, and a cold chain infrastructure to increase capacity by another 10 million doses.
