First case of coronavirus in Girardot, Cundinamarca


According to the report, the positive case in Girardot is in good health, at his residence, and with follow-up by the Ministry of Health.

The mayor denied that it was one of his relatives.

In the statement issued, it is also reported that the person was infected because he had “close” contact with a positive case reported in Bogotá, who entered that municipality under the exceptions of mobility established by the National Government, and for his economic activity.

“The case was confirmed today, but an exhaustive follow-up of the patient had been carried out from the moment the person from Bogotá was diagnosed,” Girardot’s mayor’s office reported.


Likewise, he explains that 4 relatives of this person are in isolation.

Finally, the mayor’s office asks the community in that municipality, which supposedly was the first to declare itself 100% COVID-19 free. Even this week it was learned that the Unicentro shopping center, in Girardot, has already opened its doors with strict sanitary controls.


Under development u2026



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That he confessed during the quarantine for the coronavirus u00a0on her Instagram account, where she spoke about the subject after noticing that many of the comments in her photos were about her freckles.


u201cI tried everything they recommended to u2018clean my face u2019 u2026 I was led by stereotypes u2026 u00a1 u00a1That u0301 silly !! u201d, recognized the journalist of Noticias Caracol.


Later, he added in his story that it was at the university that he captured that those u201cpunticos u201d, who is 10 years old, was something that the u201chaci u0301a different u201d.



u201c u00a1And use them u0301 to my advantage! Now I take care of them Because I imagine the day on which all freckles come together can come, and by then, I will see it as if it had the major point. u00a1Sure I will want it too u0301! u201d, the presenter explained.


In her message, Daniela also made an invitation for everyone to accept and love them as they are. u201c u00bfIf we don't, then who? u201d.


Her post, which includes a black-and-white photo of her without makeup, has more than eight thousand u2018 I like u2019 and we share it below:














View this post on Instagram





















With your comments on my photos I have noticed that you have noticed something that, until a few years ago, I saw as a problem. And I'm going to tell you the truth: I didn't want freckles !! ud83e udd74 u2026 and they kept going and kept going out. I tried everything they recommended to u201d cleanse my face u201d u2026 I was led by stereotypes u2026 What u0301 idiot !! In the university I was understanding that those dots that began to come out from the age of 10, was one of the characteristics that made me different, and I used them to my advantage !! Now I take care of them because I imagine that the day on which all the freckles come together can arrive, and by then, I will see it as if I had the major point. Sure, I will love it too! u2764 ufe0f love u0301monos, accept u0301monos as we are, if we do not do it then who? (Thanks for your compan u0303i u0301a on this account) ud83d ude4c ud83c udffb ud83e udde1


A post shared by Daniela Pach u00f3n (@danielapachonrivera) on




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On the Caracol side, the ones that would go back to record first will be u2018Another level u2019, presented by Paulina Vega and with Greeicy Rend u00f3n, Diego Torres and Paola Jara de jurados, and one that still does not premiere: u2018Los Villegas u2019.


In the case of RCN, those who return to work will be the actors of u2018Nurses u2019 and de u2018Pa u2019 love you u2019, the two channel stars they see scoring very well in u2018rating u2019, until the pandemic exploded and they ran out of new material to broadcast.


Everything will happen after previously submitting to the authorities a biosanitary security plan, reads in the briefs of the magazine Vea, which he adds:



Apparently, during the first weeks, only recordings of few actors would be made. With the production staff strictly necessary, crowds or events where more than five actors appear will be abolished, as will also eliminate the kisses, hugs and even, greetings u201d.


Although the magazine reports that the sets will be arranged with antibacterial gel, portable sinks, face masks and gloves u201d, does not specify to whom the aforementioned return of the recordings could be.

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u201c u00bfWhat have the bankers done for this country? Nothing. Who are the bankers? u00a1One parasites! u201d, the senator said in an interview with Semana.


The position of the congresswoman was given this week during a debate in that medium, in which she faced the politician Sergio Araujo, who defended the aid that the Government has given in the midst of this crisis by COVID- 19.


Senator a respectful question, u00bfesa investment of 25 trillion pesos do you see the effort of the Government? u201d, asked the analyst In week.


Given this, Avella's response was: u201c It is not the government's money, worked by you, it is everyone's taxes, here it is not that some work and some are taken care of.


u201c u00bfAnd what have you done senator? You haven't done anything pure blah blah blah, replied Araujo.


Immediately, the reaction of the congresswoman was that the bankers are some u201cpar u00e1sito u201d and remembered that several years ago the people saved them from a crisis.


This is the video (minute 35.30) in which Senator Avella ventures against the banks in Colombia:




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u201cGiven the increase in cases of COVID-19 in people from other departments; every person entering the city must register at (the platform) u2018Medell u00edn Cuida me u2019 y u00a0isolate u00a0por 15 days u201d, detailed the president on his Twitter account. u00a0


During the last few days, new cases of coronavirus have been reported in Antioquia u00a031, of which 22 were in Medell u00edn, after a significant drop in which only one case per day was registered there, a u00f1adi u00f3 Caracol Radio. u00a0



The new disposition of the authorities in that city will be under constant surveillance of the local Mayor's Office. u201cThe Secretaries of Health and Safety will monitor compliance with this measure u201d, said Quintero, through Twitter. u00a0


The most recent imported case in Antioquia occurred in the small municipality of El Bagre, where a woman who came from Valledupar tested positive for coronavirus, pointed out the regional portal Minute 30.


According to the most recent report of the Ministry of Health and the National Institute of Health (May 13), The Department of Antioquia has 491 confirmed cases of coronavirus, of which 100 remain active. u00a0



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The statistical entity highlighted that Colombia had a real production of the manufacturing industry during the third month of the year 8.9% lower than the one registered in the same month of 2019; On the other hand, the employed personnel (workers) of this sector fell by 2.7%.


Of the 39 industrial activities taken into account by Dane, a total of 29 registered negative variations in their real production, with the sectors of manufacture of travel items, pharmaceutical products, vehicles and clothing manufacturing, the most affected as a result of the economic closure by the national quarantine decreed to prevent the spread of the coronavirus.


On the trade side, the outlook is not encouraging either, during the month in which compulsory isolation began in the country, this sector, according to the entity, recorded a 4.8% drop in sales compared to last year.



Sales of fuel, vehicles and motorcycles, footwear, stationery, clothing, electrical appliances, and household utensils were the sectors that registered the worst numbers during that month, according to the Dane. .


But the sector most affected during that month, as expected by the closure of the borders and the suspension of commercial flights, was the hotel sector; the entity reported in a statement that The income of these establishments in the country fell 47% compared to those recorded during March 2019.

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Iv u00e1n Mej u00eda came to the point when in a interview with Colmundo Radio He was asked about how he lives after his retirement from the media.


u201c I am satisfied with what I got and the love of the people. I don't feel like a widower, I did what I wanted to do. He worked for 50 years in an honest way and it went well for me, to the point that I was able to say I retired, I answered initially.



n n Ivu00e1n Meju00eda u00c1lvarez n n



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Then he gave the rod: I have what to eat for breakfast, lunch and lunch if Carrasquilla does not take away our pensions. That man is a barbarian, and he has already put VAT on pensions u201d.


And added: u201cThat sir [Alberto Carrasquilla] He doesn't know how to screw up the middle class every day. u00a1What a barbarian, by God! u201d.


Mej u00eda, who currently lives in Cartagena, also pointed out that for now she does not plan to return to newspaper activity, which has received many job offers and that the was about to accept was from W Radio, that he wanted to unite it with Hern u00e1n Pel u00e1ez. However, he clarified that there was no agreement because they were not going to pay him what he asked for.


In audio, the review of Mej u00eda a Carrasquilla (from minute 43:36):




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var gFirtsArticle = {"id": "PP899049", "titles": {"main": "COVID-19 arrived in Girardot (Cundinamarca), one of the most popular tourist destinations", "facebook ":" The 'rolitos' pass it all over there. And with that heat. "," Seo ":" First case of coronavirus in Girardot, Cundinamarca "}," phrases ": {" main ":" As u00ed lo reportu00f3 la alcaldu00eda de ese municipio este jueves. Se trata de un paciente de 36 au00f1os, asintomu00e1tico, que estu00e1 en cuarentena en este momento."},"categories":{"main ":{"slug":"nacion","name":"Naciu00f3n"}},"urls":{"main":"/nacion/primer-caso-coronavirus-girardot-cundinamarca-PP899049" },"author":{"creator":{"user":"carlos.diaz","name":"Carlos Diaz"},"owner":{"id":"","name":"" ,"image":"","profile":"","url":"","twitter":{"title":"","url":""},"urlFacebook":""," email":"","linkPersonal":"","teamPulzo":"","short_text":"","large_text":""}},"published":"1","type":"article ","censorship":"0","unpublishImage":"0","ext":"jpg","created":"Mayo 14, 2020 01:58 pm","updated":1589465358,"images":{"meta":{"title":"covid","credit":"Getty. Imagen ilustrativa.","description":"","alt":"covid","file":""},"types":{"thumb":"","mobile":"","medio":"","large":"","vertical":"","opening":"","gif":""}},"videos":{"main":{"image":"","url":"","title":"","embeded":""}},"externalUrl":"","carousel":"0","trinoTW":"","liveBlog":"0","shorthand":"","audio":" PP899049.mp3","tags":["coronavirus"],"sources":[{"title":"","url":"","source":"Alcaldu00eda de Girardot","fuente":"Alcaldu00eda de Girardot"}],"related":[""],"body2":"nn

Segu00fan el reporte, el caso positivo en Girardot estu00e1 en buenas condiciones de salud, en su residencia, y con seguimiento de la Secretaru00eda de Salud.


El alcalde desmintiu00f3 que se tratar de uno de sus familiares.


En el comunicado emitido se informa tambiu00e9n que la persona se contagiu00f3 porque tuvo contacto u201cestrechou201d con un caso positivo reportado en Bogotu00e1, que ingresu00f3 a ese municipio bajo las excepciones de movilidad establecidas por el Gobierno Nacional, y por su actividad econu00f3mica.


u201cEl caso fue confirmado el du00eda de hoy, pero se venu00eda haciendo un seguimiento exhaustivo al paciente desde el momento en que fue diagnosticada la persona de Bogotu00e1u201d, informu00f3 la alcaldu00eda de Girardot.



n n Centro comercialn n



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Asu00ed mismo, explica que 4 familiares de esta persona estu00e1 en aislamiento.


La alcaldu00eda, finalmente, le pide tranquilidad a la comunidad en ese municipio que, supuestamente, era el primero en declararse 100 % libre de COVID-19. Incluso, esta semana se conociu00f3 que el centro comercial Unicentro, en Girardot, ya abriu00f3 sus puertas con unos controles sanitarios estrictos.

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