Fine from the SIC to Panamericana for breaching a product safely – Sectors – Economy


The Superintendency of Industry and Commerce sanctioned Panamericana Librería y Papelería SA. with a fine of 570.57 million pesos for failing to comply with standards that regulate product safety. (You may be interested in: ‘Movie theaters reopen their doors in Colombia this Thursday’)

The decision, which was made through resolution 73872 of 2020, was adopted after complying with the sanctioning administrative procedure by which it was demonstrated that the company introduced the products to the market “Set of rattles x 3” Y “Set of baby rattles”, that contained small parts that could detach and cause suffocation or drowning in minors. Panamericana put 612 units of the first product and 1,803 units of the second product on the market.

According to the Superindustry, of that total, “on the date of issuance of the statement of objections, 727 products had been withdrawn and isolated in its distribution centers, leaving a total of 1,688 units in the hands of consumers, with respect to which the start of a security campaign was ordered. with a view to resuming them ”.

In that order of ideas, Superintendence determined that Pan American put the safety and lives of minors at risk, by marketing these products, “toys that under normal conditions of use are susceptible to releasing small parts that represent a choking hazard, which are not suitable for children under the age of 0 to 36 months of age and that represent a risk even for minors who exceed that age ”.

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The SIC He further stated that the company did not adopt the necessary measures to prevent the end users of the products from seeing their health and physical integrity compromised, “all the time the warnings of danger of suffocation contained in the packaging of the products ‘Set of rattles x 3 (code 519139)’ and ‘Set of baby rattles (codes 519137, 519138 and 519140)’, they were located at the base of the box, with minimal visibility and minuscule text size, thus making it difficult for adults who purchased the products to access the warning.

According to the Super, “an indication of the use of the products was included, which warned that they were suitable for children older than six (6) months of age, which could transmit an equivocal message of reassurance for adults regarding the use of the toy, putting boys and girls over that age range at risk ”.

Panamericana withdrew products

The Superindustry assured that Pan American, Within the framework of the administrative action carried out by it, it withdrew from its points of sale more than 620 products identified as “Baby rattle set (codes 519137, 519138 and 519140)”, that published a notice aimed at consumers in general by means of which they were alerted about the risk of the aforementioned products, and made publications on its website informing the risk reported and related the warnings regarding said products.

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