fine for threatening charges to customers


The sanction was announced by the Superintendency of Industry and Commerce (SIC) this Tuesday and focuses on the complaint of a woman who assures that, despite not having any relationship with Banco de Bogotá, was the subject of a series of “threatening and intimidating” charges.

In the decision, published by the Superintendent of Industry and Commerce, Andrés Barreto, it is exposed that Banco de Bogotá made several phone calls and sent text messages to the woman.

“During the investigation it was verified that the citizen was included as a ‘reference’ in a credit application, and that she did not authorize the bank to use her information to carry out the collection of a third party’s portfolio,” states the SIC in your decision.

An appeal is filed against the decision by Banco de Bogotá.

This is the decision that Barreto published on Twitter:
