Fifty thousand places of free programming will be open until the middle of the month


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On Friday, February 12, the ICT Ministry will close the registration of the academic call that seeks to train 50 thousand Colombians in programming in 2021.

Those interested in the Mintic call must register on the ministry’s website before February 12 when registrations close. Upon entering, they can choose one of two training routes. Route 1 is for students in grades 10 or 11 from official schools and have time availability of 10 hours a week. Route 2 is aimed at Colombian citizens, high school graduates and those over 15 years of age. They must have connectivity, equipment and time availability of up to 30 hours per week.

The courses will be virtual and dictated by higher education institutions. To apply to one of these routes you must fill out the registration form on the website. The admission tests will take place between the first and second week of March.

The selection of the 50 thousand programmers, as explained by Mintic, will be through a knowledge test through the ‘Training room’, a space on the ministry’s website where registrants can access free study guides and become familiar with the themes to be evaluated.

The initiative responds to the demand for programmers in the Colombian market, since there is a gap that could reach a deficit of up to 112,000 programmers in 2025, according to a study carried out by McKinsey & Company.

Minister Karen Abudinen invited Colombians from all regions of the country and “who dream of learning to program this year, to enroll in Misión TIC 2022, an academic, free and virtual call that has a curriculum designed for the industry needs ”.

Mintic expects to train 50,000 people in 2021 and achieve a total of 100,000 Colombians by August 2022, to increase its possibilities of hiring in the labor market.

If you are interested in registering, you can enter
