feminists set fire to church downtown


During this Monday, feminist marches were held in Bogotá, regarding International Women’s Day. Almost all the participants demonstrated peacefully, but a small group of hooded women was in charge of committing acts of vandalism.

On the way that the demonstration took to the Plaza de Bolívar, some women attacked commercial establishments with blunt elements and painted them graffiti. Similarly, an activist wanted to expel a cameraman from the CM & newscast for being a man.

But that was not all. When most of the protesters were arriving in downtown Bogotá, A group of vandals attacked the church of San Francisco, located on Carrera Séptima con calle 7 A, and set fire to its door. Faced with this situation, police intervention was necessary.

The fact did not happen to majors. After Esmad agents approached the scene, the protesters dispersed and the authorities were able to control the fire. Overcome this alteration of public order, the end of the day was lived with tranquility in the Plaza de Bolívar.

The one that occurred in Bogotá was not the only attack on a church in the country, during the day of feminist demonstrations. Some women attacked the Ibagué cathedral and painted graffiti on its facade.

In social networks, thousands of users showed their rejection of this type of vandalism that overshadowed the feminist marches. Most assured that situations like these delegitimize the good causes for which the majority of women took to the streets.

Below, videos of the moment in which a group of hooded women set fire to a church in the center of Bogotá and images that were known of the same situation in Ibagué:
