Fedef Fútbol pays millionaire fine, but announces lawsuit – Investigative Unit


Ramón Jesurún reported that the Colombian Football Federation paid the millionaire fine imposed by the Superintendence of Industry and Commerce within the scandal of the resale of tickets for the 2018 World Cup qualifier in Russia.

EL TIEMPO established that on October 19, they wrote a check for 16,016’028,600 pesos. However, Jesurún, who had remained silent, said that they will file an appeal before the administrative dispute to overturn the sanction.

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“In accordance with the compliance and transparency policies of the Colombian Soccer Federation, all its affiliates are informed that on October 19, 2020, the entity proceeded to pay the full value of the fine imposed by the Superintendency of Industry and Comercio (SIC), “the statement said.

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And he adds: “Immediately, the resources contemplated by law will be brought before the Administrative Litigation jurisdiction, considering that the Superintendency did not take into account the voluminous probative material that is in the file that shows that the act was not incurred that is foisted and that was inexplicably omitted when evaluating the evidence. “

Resale of the Colombia National Team tickets.

Colombia National Team tickets in previous games.


Jaime Moreno / TIME

The process in the administrative litigation that Jesurún speaks of – an action for annulment against the administrative sanctioning act – can last between 8 and 10 years.

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The leader also says that the disbursement was made by strict compliance with the decision adopted by the SIC, but warns that it does not constitute an act of acknowledgment of responsibility for the conduct indicated in the sanctioning resolution.

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And he ends by saying that the good corporate governance practices undertaken by the
administration of the Federation, allowed him to assume the payment.

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