Farewell to the taxi driver who collided with thieves fleeing with $ 80 thousand – Bogotá


Before arriving at the house, a few blocks before, Laura * always calls someone to open the door for her to enter the truck, and to make sure that there is no one strange around. On February 19, when he returned from work with his mother, at around 11:40 in the morning, he remembered that there was no one, so he decided to park in front while they had lunch.

But the street was busy. Once a month, more or less, there is a meeting of the ambulance company that is around the corner and the block from his house gets full, there was nowhere to leave the car. He looked to one side, and to the other. Two paramedics and a nurse was all he saw. Laura asked her mother to open the garage for her, and when she entered, out of nowhere, a man appeared.

“I heard a scream but the truth was I didn’t even have time to look when I saw that The guy pointed at me, pulled a gun at me, and I stood still, I said: ‘he killed me’. The guy said: ‘the bag, the bag’, I told him it was there. At the passenger’s feet I always carry a bag to put my bag, and I always carried a market bag, that bag was behind the passenger, I don’t know when the guy jumped in and took that out, “he recounted the moments of anguish the woman.

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Murdered taxi driver

The shot came in through the passenger window. He brushed his arm and settled on Michelangelo’s ribs.

Everything happened in seconds. The criminal ran and she reacted. He got out of the truck, but forgot to set the parking brake. He ran and screamed for help as the car rolled over and smashed the gate. The drivers, paramedics and nurses who were in the ambulances tried to stop the subject that Laura had identified as a thief.

The security cameras of the sector, Carrera 72C with Avenida Las Américas, in Kennedy, recorded the criminal running in search of a motorcyclist who was waiting for him to escape. When he got to where his accomplice, and they started, Miguel Ángel Gamboa, father of two children, husband, cycling lover and taxi driver for 19 years, hit themGod knows if intentionally to prevent the theft that was occurring, or by accident.

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Major Oscar Rojas, commander of the Kennedy Police, believes that what happened was involuntary. “The bandit runs off. On the run, by chance, he crashes with the taxi driver, they take it as an assault and shoot him “, estimated the officer. But the investigation is barely progressing. At noon this Friday, two investigators from the CTI of the Prosecutor’s Office were at the scene doing a security camera sweep, and speaking with witnesses. The 371st life prosecutor took up the case.

The paramedics who were on the scene took him immediately to a medical center. There he arrived in a serious condition, and was induced into a coma.

In the bags that the criminal took there were headphones, Laura’s personal documents and 80 thousand pesos, completed with coins. It was not a charter. The theft victim did not leave a bank. But they were waiting for her. Investigators discovered that hours before the event, the motorcyclist met a gray car, from which Miguel’s assailant and murderer got out.

The shot came in through the passenger window. It brushed the arm and settled on the ribs, generating a serious wound. The paramedics who were on the scene took him immediately to a medical center. There he arrived in a serious condition, and was induced into a coma. Miguel Ángel fought for his life for several days. On Wednesday, February 24, the doctors told the family that he was fine, that he was recovering. Everything was joy and hope. However, on Thursday he passed away.

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Marlon Gamboa, his cousin, remembers that on the day of the events he spoke with Miguel. They arranged to see each other on Saturday. “He told me: ‘Spring, see you tomorrow and have red wine and talk'”. Sob Take a deep breath. He was like his brother. When he was young, Miguel taught him to work in the trading business, and they used to go out pedaling.

“He was very attentive, a great person. That sometimes remains like that drawer phrase that when one dies they are good people, but no, He was truly a good father, good son, very jovial, always a smile, in a good moodWe are in a good mood, we all laugh, we laugh, we tease, and that was Miguel, always like this, that’s why many of his friends are sad about this situation ”.

Miguel Angel Gamboa

Miguel Ángel Gamboa was a taxi driver for 19 years.

The capacity of the church where the farewell mass was 50 people, but 100 arrived. The days of vigil, the lines to give the last days were long. They could only enter five or maximum six people. In this case, unlike what usually happens when a taxi driver dies violently, there was no yellow taxi march. His family says that Miguel was not to be with taxi drivers, or unions, or strikes or protests. Always from his taxi to the house.

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Now his family just wants justice. That the culprits pay and that the investigation does not stop. There are many doubts. Who and how many were in the gray car that participated in the assault? Where were they following Laura from?

The security cameras showed that the murderer was hidden for at least 10 minutes waiting for his victim, where did he come from? How many shots were there? An informal ward watchman heard two. The owner of a motor workshop, three. And a waiter at the El Gallineral restaurant listened to four. The uniformed men who came to attend the event only found a vanilla.

“We did an inventory of cameras, not only during and after the fact, but before. Far back we were able to establish a meeting between those of the vehicle and the motorized vehicle, where they do as a kind of agreement, and in the development of the facts it is seen how the car acts as a kind of obstruction of the road so that the motorists can flee ”, said Major Rojas.

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Miguel Ángel, 52 years old, from Boyacá, leaves behind two daughters, four sisters, a brother and his mother. Marlon, his cousin, just hopes that justice works. “It doesn’t matter here that we have two policemen per inhabitant; As long as the laws in this country are ridiculous and criminals mock him, as they always do As long as there are no strong laws, this country will continue this badMarlon said.

Miguel’s wife, who for her safety and that of her daughters did not reveal her identity, wrote some heartfelt words of farewell to the love of her life.


Miguel Ángel, your daughters and I know that you fought to the end, you are a brave warrior and that is how we will always remember you, with your beautiful smile and your affable tranquility.

Love of our life

Nothing can fill the void that your departure has left in our hearts, we are fully certain that you are our angel and you will always be accompanying us in our daily lives.

We have the mind and the soul full of thousands of memories, everything that we live with you, unforgettable moments; In these moments our joy is knowing that we share and overcome hundreds of experiences in the lap of our home; a home full of love, which we enjoy by your side, that is called true love, good love, inexhaustible love … eternal and unforgettable love.

For those who knew you, you were that sociable man, good friend, athlete, the one who always had an uplifted look and positive attitude, a man full of dreams and plans. For us, the love of our life, that loving father and husband, who loved us more than anything in the world; You have always taught us the power of perseverance and an attitude of resilience in the face of any adversity, with which you leave a legacy not only in us, but in everyone who had the pleasure of meeting you.

Miguel Ángel, your daughters and I know that you fought to the end, you are a brave warrior and that is how we will always remember you, with your beautiful smile and your affable tranquility.

Your little girls and I know that the time, our walks, the smiles, the hugs, I love you, the days, nights and sunrises that God allowed us to live together; they are and will continue to live in our hearts and minds.

We love you love of my life, and I thank you for loving us as you told us every day.

Today we ask God to strengthen us greatly to one day understand your departure.

This is not a goodbye love of my life is a we love you, love of our lives, today, tomorrow and always !!

With Love, your beloved wife and your daughters.

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