Family found their son who was stolen more than 30 years ago and ended up adopted in Norway


A family from the Minuto de Dios neighborhood of Bogota

ended 32 years full of pain, anguish and feelings of guilt. One of his children was stolen on September 25, 1987 and now he managed to find him again after a tireless search.

Ana Jimenez, who was a young mother when her son Johnatan, he remembers today the words of despair that hovered in his head: “No, nobody has seen it, nobody saw it, nobody saw anything“.

That day they were cries of despair. Since then only a few photos have fed the memory of Johnatan, who was four years old.

In the afternoon it was stolen from him in front of his house. Juan, his brother only a year older than him, and Alfonso, Johnatan’s other brother, were the last to see him. A memory that has remained with them despite their young age and the time that has passed.

Is held by the hand and carried by someone else. That is the memory I have and then listen and remember that we were looking for him and that we were shouting ‘Johnatan’ everywhere. That is the memory of a five-year-old boy that I have in my heart, ”says Juan.

Alfonso remembers that this person “He approaches and holds Johnatan up and says ‘I’m coming, I’m going to take him to buy some sweets'”.

Alfonso was always tormented by that moment and for 32 years he felt guilty for being the last to see his brother. Although that afternoon, that situation was normal for him, since the one who took the child was an acquaintance of the family.

When the hours passed and it did not appear, then I realized that we had lost it“, dice.

The day of the disappearance
and on November 28, when Johnatan’s birthday, they became difficult dates for the family.

“You don’t know where you are or who you are with, if you are well, if you are bad, if you are suffering. That It is something that only the mother keeps in her heart”. Ana points out.

Some time after the abduction, Johnatan’s mother confronted the man who took him away. She was only 22 years old and then she found out about her son’s fate.

“He told me that the child had been adopted by a family from the United States, that they had him there, that he would be very well, that the child was going to have what I could not give him., that he was going to be much better, that it was the stepfather who had sent him to take him away, it was terrible, “he says.

That version made Ana think that she had lost her son forever. However, what he heard from his brother Juan not only fueled the memory, but also the desire to find his playmate.

Many years passed and it was only until 2019 that an internet advertisement led him to Johnatan’s path.

“I never thought of a DNA test, I thought of a portrait because we only had one photo of my brother and I said ‘well, with this photo I can make what he looks like today’, but it was very expensive. And, when I saw the advertisement, I said ‘wow’ and wrote the story to them. They sent me the kit with the test“, Reports.

And far from where Juan was, his brother Johnatan did the same. He knew that the family he lived with was not the biological one, but that they adopted him shortly after his abduction.

Coincidentally, Johnatan and Juan went to the same company to take the exam and there was an immediate coincidence.

I receive an email where they tell me that they found a person who is my half brother, uncle or nephew, due to the amount of DNA in common. I wrote to him if I knew anything about it and it turns out he was my brother Juan. He tells me the story and that was the first time I knew I had been robbed”Says Johnatan.

The telephone contact between the two lasted until Juan decided to travel to Norway, the country where his brother was. He was never in the United States as said by the man who kidnapped him and who died six months after his confession.

In Norway, Juan knelt to thank God, to whom he entrusted his search and later to meet his brother. In January 2020, Juan and Johnatan planned their trip to Colombia.

Johnatan was anxious to see his mother again, of whom he had no memories, only thoughts about the reasons for not being with her.

“She was a strange person for me. I thought about who she was, there was a lot of feeling, nerves, but at the same time a lot of love. So, with the first hug I felt all the love and it was impossible not to receive everything”Says Johnatan.

The hug was in the same house where he lived until he was four years old, near the place where he was taken from his family. A return in silence due to emotions and the language barrier.

There were no words, only a strong hug, the hug of love. Everything went through because neither I understood him nor he understood me, ”says Ana.

And regardless of the language barrier, the questions were asked and the answers heard. They discovered their feelings and learned the truth.

“He asked how his life had been, why he had taken him, that he thought his real mother was a gringa, that they had given him away because they did not want him, things like that,” says Johnatan’s mother amid the joy of seeing him again after more than 30 years.

A reunion worthy of a red carpet, like the one they rolled out in the neighborhood to receive him and like the one that today, they say, his brother Juan deserves, who confesses that he feels like a child who achieved his dream: to see his father again. brother whom he saw disappear on September 25, 1987.
