Falcao García interview: memories with his deceased father Radamel García | News today | Colombians Abroad


Falcao García always had a great relationship with his father and although he has always been very strong in the face of life’s difficulties, the death of Radamel García has always marked him.

In dialogue with Daniel Habif, the Colombian forward spoke about how his father’s relationship was in life and how important he was for his sports career.

“He was very important. I wanted to be a soccer player for him. I went to school and then I went to training with him. He made the decision to return to Colombia for me. He was always with me and when I played he was the first to correct me. Even when I scored goals he was the first to call me and tell me the mistakes because he always wanted me to improve. Thank God he was able to see me play a World Cup. He is the best coach I had in my life, “he said.

And it is that the death of his father, who was 61 years old, took him by surprise because months ago his uncle had died and although Falcao asked him to take all the exams, the ex-footballer ignored him at all.

“He was terrified of having an analysis done, he didn’t want to do it, he didn’t tell me and he died of the same as his brother five months later. I have only sisters and the only male figure ended up being me and now they lean on me much more ”, he recalled.

Although the ‘Tigre’ was always very firm on the subject, he did acknowledge that he had moments of weakness.

“The death was very hard because he was a friend and we shared a lot. On vacation he was always with us. She was one of the people I talked to every day. When she left I sometimes unconsciously dialed her number and I had a hard time accepting it. Little time has passed and I continue to overcome it ”, he added.

As they lived so many moments together, Falcao has no reproach, the only thing was not taking him to see Greece: “He always said that he wanted to know Greece and die in peace there, so I never took him (laughs)”.
