Fajardo says that democracy is threatened and sets his road map – Political Parties – Politics


Presidential candidate Sergio Fajardo in a letter sent to members of his political movement Compromiso Ciudadano, entitled We are capable of building hope, not only establishes what is coming for his aspiration but also raises an x-ray of what is happening in the country.

The presidential candidate begins the letter saying that although the pandemic “has us in trouble, We continue to advance along the path we set out to travel this year ”.

In that sense, he assures that the movement today has “An organization in each department” and a growing group of volunteers working enthusiastically on specific tasks.

(Read also: Fajardo surpasses Petro in voting intention)

The former governor of Antioquia says that with his movement they are working on the great issues of the country, building a proposal with the best possible knowledge, starting with the challenges of the pandemic and the immediate urgencies of so many people who suffer.

He reminds the members of his movement that they have already presented a proposal to avoid desertion in higher education, also to prevent youth from entering the world of criminality in vulnerable areas “and this week we will present our emergency employment proposal”.

We will have the consolidated national organization with representation
from all regions, and we will be ready to make joint political decisions
that correspond to us for the following years

After pointing out that today the harsh reality shows us that poverty is growing, inequalities are increasing, corruption is everywhere, murders of social leaders are multiplying and everything is translated into unrest and collective indignation, he assures that today “the situation in Colombia is the most difficult and complex in a long time ”.

He adds that the “Polarization and populism are the recipe that is the order of the day” and that with “verbal violence they intend to divide the world in two”.

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“Populism feeds the fanatical hordes and presents ‘simplistic’ solutions to the most complex problems. Violence grows day by day. Democracy is threatened”Says the presidential candidate.

After this, Fajardo gives some brushstrokes around what Compromiso Ciudadano seeks, which is an alternative policy, outside of the extremes. “We propose to contribute and participate in the construction of a convergence that allows us to turn the page of destruction from which we have not been able to get out and we will never emerge in the middle of polarization,” he argues.

Today the raw
reality shows us that poverty grows, inequalities increase, corruption
is everywhere, mistrust in institutions is widespread

For the former governor, you must first define “An ethical agreement of principles and values ​​that are the foundations of the programmatic construction”.

After highlighting that in his movement “we know how to build hope” he assures that in October “we must finish the task we set ourselves.”

The departure of Iván Marulanda

But Fajardo also referred to the decision of Senator Iván Marulanda – who had been his faithful squire – to also be a presidential candidate.

He said that 10 years ago he personally convinced him to abandon his retirement from politics and that in 2018 Compromiso Ciudadano gave him the highest distinction and responsibility, that he was the candidate for the Senate.

(Don’t stop reading: Iván Marulanda, competitor or ally of Sergio Fajardo?)

“Last week he surprised us with the statement that from the moment we registered him for the Senate, he had already left us. For me this is a new learning in politics. My gratitude for their contributions during these years and we will surely meet at some point later, ”Fajardo says in the letter.

(This may interest you: The ARL’s harsh warnings to the Senate for face-to-face sessions)

