Fabio Aristizábal: Supersalud explains uncomfortable audio with Guillermo Grosso – Investigative Unit


Since Saturday night, a 25-minute audio of a conversation by the current Health Superintendent, Fabio Aristizábal, began to reach various newsrooms. His interlocutor is Luis Guillermo Grosso, auditor of Saludcoop and manager of Cafesalud, investigated by the justice.

In parallel, the observer Pablo Bustos began to upload parts of the conversation to his networks, announcing that he had just requested that Aristizábal be investigated for alleged acts of corruption: “The National Superintendent of Health talks with Luis Guillermo Grosso about a personal business, highlighting an evident conflict of interest in contracting with Sarpa SAS, SALUDCOOP’s contracting company.”

Captured for corruption

Eva Katherine Carrascal and Guillermo Grosso.

And in yet another he adds: “Health Superintendent @Supersalud Fabio Aristizabal would have hidden key information from the former president and senator @AlvaroUribeVel
when he was his advisor in the Senate, according to audios with Luis Guillermo Grosso where, in addition. expresses direct interest in hiring the firm SARPA “.

(It may interest you: There are three congressmen that EPS asks to investigate due to undue pressure)

Talk about a “Obvious conflict of interest in hiring the medicalized air transport company Sarpa SAS, of which Aristizábal was an advisor, with Saludcoop, linked to Grosso.

There is nothing irregular in the conversation. It was before I assumed the Superintendence of Health and when Mr. Grosso did not fulfill any function at that time

Audio between Supersalud and Luis Guillermo Grosso

This is one of the conversations.

‘There is nothing illegal in the conversation’

EL TIEMPO looked for Aristizábal and, after introducing him to the audio obtained by this newspaper, at the outset he assured that there is nothing irregular in that conversation.

(Also: New court order puts Superhealth decisions on hold)

“That conversation was before I assumed the Superintendency of Health and when Mr. Grosso was not fulfilling any public function at that time“He assured and so stated in a statement that will be released this afternoon and that EL TIEMPO anticipates.

And in this he clarifies that it is false that he was an advisor to former president Álvaro Uribe Vélez or had belonged to his Legislative Work Unit (UTL).

(We invite you to read: They record a congressman asking EPS for payments and talking about contracts)

“At the time of the audios, neither I was fulfilling a public function, nor did my interlocutor. Nothing irregular or object of reproach can be derived from those conversations. The context corresponded to the question that the entire health system was asking for that date . If CAFESALUD was going to have the ability to pay to meet its obligations to its public and private creditors. On the other hand, I must clarify that the SARPA company, for whom I worked as a private individual, has not been the object of public questioning by no authority in Colombia, “says Aristizábal.

‘I do not have anything to hide’

According to Aristizábal, he is the first to ask the authorities to evaluate the audio: “I have nothing to hide. It is the price I am paying for attacking corruption. I hope they take out everything they have,” he said.

He also referred to the right to petition where he was specifically asked if he knew Grosso and in which he would have replied that he does not have or has had a relationship of any kind “.

The point is relevant because Grosso and the captured Eva Katherine Carrascal are key in a network of corruption entrenched in the Superintendency of Health.

“I began to fulfill a public function on August 13, 2018, years after the published conversations. I have not been an advisor or member of the UTL of any Congressman nor did I have any contract with the State during the years in which these audios took place. My work as Superintendent, he has been directed to fight against corruption, purifying the system of those actors who do not see health as a fundamental right, and who believe that with these intimidations they will be able to prevent or revoke my decisions, “says the official.

And remember that at the time of the talks, there was no known criminal challenge to Grosso.

Aristizábal told EL TIEMPO that he has always admitted that he knows Grosso for his business activity.

“The Office of the Attorney General of the Nation has executed the entire exercise of the criminal action to bring to justice those responsible for acts of corruption that took place in the National Superintendency of Health, long before the undersigned was the head of said entity” , emphasizes.

And it specifies. “The National Superintendency of Health has provided all the necessary collaboration to the Office of the Attorney General of the Nation to carry out said processes, in order that the whole truth is known.”

In addition, he recalled that from the moment the Prosecutor’s Office filed an accusation against those investigated, which occurred during my Administration, the National Superintendency of Health became a victim in that process.

“I express to public opinion that this is one more attack, and without any foundation, to try to stop my efforts to purify and moralize the health system in Colombia.”

