eye! These are the symbols with which they mark houses to rob in Bogotá


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Conventions such as Xs, triangles or lines with circles would be the ones with which criminals would be identifying the houses to recognize if it is possible to enter easily, who lives in the place and when they can carry out the theft.

The alert about the symbols would have been generated in the north of Bogotá, after in the Santa Bárbara neighborhood, Usaquén town, criminals tried to enter a house and after not being able to do so they made a strange mark on one of the walls of the house.

According to Orlando Carillo, a surveillance expert who spoke with Noticias Caracol, the brands would mainly serve to communicate between criminals to provide information about the home, for example, if it has easy or difficult access, how many or what type of people live in it or if she is alone and prone to theft.

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This type of symbols, according to the expert, are commonly used in Latin America, which indicates that criminals who operate in the capital would be including them in their practices. These events have the inhabitants of the sector concerned, who say that in the area thefts to establishments and homes are increasingly common and that this type of brand would be a sample of it.

Thus, these or similar symbols would be the ones that thieves could use to mark the homes:

  • Circle with an X in the middle: come back soon
  • Circle with lines similar to a clock: opened with chain
  • Rhombus: uninhabited house
  • Curved lines – great for stealing
  • An inverted L: charitable house
  • Triangle: house already stolen
  • Three circles in a row: ready to steal
  • Two ovals with a line in the middle – can be stolen
  • Two vertical lines, a dash and two other vertical lines (II-II): nothing of interest in the house
  • Vertical lines in a row: theft is not possible
  • X: the owners are on vacation
  • Boat or canoe: a woman alone
  • Small Diagonal Circles: Use Lever
  • Circle: nearby cops
  • Squares in a row: dog in the house