eye! Mayor’s Office has not yet issued a decree with measures for September | THE UNIVERSAL


With the high demand for the use of digital media for work, study or entertainment amid the pandemic, online risks and fake news have increased.

In the last hours, an image with the supposed measures that will be implemented in Cartagena in the selective isolation phase, which begins this September 1, has circulated on WhatsApp and social networks. (Read here: The abc of selective isolation in Cartagena)

In this it is stated that the peak and ID will continue, a measure that the Mayor’s Office has implemented to control the number of people on the streets, but in this new period, on even days, people whose ID cards end in 0, 2, 4, 6 will be able to circulate. and 8 and on odd days the schedules ending in 1, 3, 5, 7 and 9.

It also indicates that commercial establishments, except hotels, motels and drugstores, may only be open to the public until 8 at night.

However, the Mayor’s Office of Cartagena confirmed that this information is false and that the new measures to be adopted in the city will be announced today with the issuance of a new decree, which includes other provisions and the opening of new sectors.

It is noteworthy that The universal He learned that the peak and two-digit ID with the usual rotation would remain, without determining until what date.
