Exclusive: Two more ministers say goodbye to President Duque and other revelations Secret – Government – Politics


The changes in the cabinet of President Iván Duque will continue at the beginning of this 2021. Everything indicates that two of those who could leave would be the Minister of Defense, Carlos Holmes Trujillo, and the Chancellor, Claudia Blum. In the case of the defense ministry, it is known that he has presidential aspirations and does not want to disqualify himself. Most likely, you will announce your retirement before the end of this first month. Regarding the Minister of Foreign Affairs, it has transpired that she also wants to say goodbye to the cabinet.

(Also read: ‘I prefer that they lock themselves up and not be buried’: Governor of Meta).

With the resignation letter ready

Ruben Silva Gomez

Due to serious health problems, the superintendent of Notaries and Registry, Rubén Silva, is preparing his letter of resignation.


Courtesy of the Superintendency of Notaries and Registry

Another who already has his resignation letter ready is the superintendent of Notaries and Registry, Rubén Silva. He doesn’t leave because he has aspirations. What has transpired is that he has had serious health problems, to the point that he was even hospitalized a few weeks ago. Her family has urged her to resign and dedicate herself to taking care of herself. The superintendent is already preparing the letter for presentation in the next few days.

(Of interest: Is Tomás Uribe going to change his mind and be a candidate?).

An inopportune trip from the Mayor?

Claudia López on vacation

This was the photo that the mayor of Bogotá published confirming the beginning of her rest.


Claudia López’s Twitter account

The mayor of Bogotá, Claudia López, went on vacation with her partner, Senator Angélica Lozano, with whom she posed at the airport, where she asked the residents of the capital to maintain biosecurity measures. Although the Secretary of Government, Luis Ernesto Gómez, remained in charge of the city, The recess of the president was criticized by those who consider that although she has the right to vacation, she should not have done so in the current circumstances of the pandemic.

(We recommend: New Year, starting point for the recall of mayors).

Gifts from Dubai

In the La Vega prison they are waiting for the results of 40 samples that were taken in recent days.

The donations that the United Arab Emirates has made to Colombia to fight the coronavirus will go to the detention centers.

In the coming days, the vast majority of the country’s prisons will receive a gift from the United Arab Emirates. It turns out that of all the donations that country has made to Colombia to fight the coronavirus, a good part of the elements will go to the detention centers. Inmates will receive face masks, biosafety items and even anti-fluid suits. Prisons with adequate medical service will even receive some medium-complexity respirators.

(Also: ‘I’m not looking for a leading role, but rather to get the country’s agenda’. Arturo Char).

And they found nothing


Facundo Castillo, governor of Arauca.


Courtesy Government of Arauca

The governor of Arauca, Facundo Castillo, has just come out ahead in two matters that had him in the eye of the hurricane at the beginning of the pandemic. In second instance, the Attorney General’s Office revoked a sanction imposed for a canceled contract to celebrate parties. And the Comptroller ordered the filing of the investigation for the alleged detriment in the purchase of markets for those affected. At the time there was talk of tuna cans at 19,000 pesos.

(You may be interested: Almost 3,000 cases have been opened by the Attorney General’s Office for mishandling of the pandemic).

Does not let rest

Cesar Lorduy

César Lorduy, representative for the Atlantic.


Cesar Lorduy Press

Several congressmen this week asked their colleague César Lorduy to let them rest. The foregoing is due to the fact that the coastal representative, In the middle of Christmas and New Years, he keeps sending them reports and studies on topics such as the minimum wage or abortion.. Lorduy replied that he has no plans to take a break; In fact, it already has appointments with ministers for the first week of January and even acquired a new messaging application that allows you to send a chat to thousands of people at the same time, thus expanding its dissemination of information.

(You may be interested: What do you buy with the $ 30,000 increase in the minimum wage?).

Hard pulse for the salary


Several sectors have spoken of proposing again a reform to freeze the salaries of congressmen.

After the controversy generated by the increase in the salary of congressmen, several sectors have spoken of proposing again a reform to freeze the remuneration of legislators. However, Some parliamentarians from Cambio Radical already have a document ready with a whole legal arsenal in order not to let their wages go down. The compiled contains eight judgments of the Constitutional Court in which it is ensured that, in the case of public officials, “it is the duty of the State to preserve not only the purchasing power of wages, but to ensure its increase.”

(We suggest: Congressmen who have not published their income tax return).

Is already in front

General Jorge Luis Vargas

General Jorge Luis Vargas has been in the National Police for 35 years.

The inauguration of the new Police Director, General Jorge Luis Vargas, is scheduled for January 8. Although he has not yet assumed office, the truth of the matter is that Vargas is already acting as the Chief of Police. This week, for example, he was in Tumaco, Nariño, in the presentation of the fulfillment of the goals of eradication of illicit crops, where he even had a meeting with the United States ambassador, Philip S. Goldberg.

(In context: The intelligence general who manages the Police).

The perfect present

The governor of Valle del Cauca, Dilian Francisca Toro.

Dilian Francisca Toro, the president of the ‘La U’ party, is unhappy with the gift her family gave her this Christmas, because it was something she had wanted for a long time. They gave her a Pomeranian puppy that has touched her, although, of course, without neglecting her political activity. The dog’s name is Pachito, and she is waiting for him to turn three months to be able to make the presentation in society.

