Everything you need to know to enter and leave the country when international flights are reactivated


The general director of Migration Colombia, Juan Francisco Espinosa, spoke at #YoMeCuidoYoTeCuido about the protocols that travelers must comply with, both those entering the country and those leaving. This, after the resumption of international flights in the country.

´To do this, Migración Colombia explained in BLU Radio the conditions that travelers must meet.

“Whoever arrives in Colombia, whether Colombian or foreign, must undergo a PCR test no later than 96 hours before the flight,” explained the director general of Migration Colombia, who emphasized that people who take the test 72 hours before the approach, for example, they must stay home before taking the flight.

Regarding the cost of the tests, Espinosa said that it should be assumed by travelers as a “procedure of care for the trip and the rest of the people”.

“If a traveler has symptoms before boarding, they will not be able to get on the plane. We must protect everyone’s health, “said Espinosa.

Another condition to travel is that the user must download the Coronapp app, since with it a report of the health status of the people is generated for monitoring and also allows that the traveler knows more about the coornavirus and generates alerts in case of feeling symptoms, after the trip.

Another application that the traveler must have is one created especially by Migración Colombia. Its name is Check-Mig and it will reduce immigration procedures at airports.

“It allows to anticipate the information of the traveler so that the passage through migration is faster. It is a great advance, it streamlines the immigration process and will generate a better immigration experience, “explained Espinoza.

Other measures.

The traveler must always wear a mask and, in the event that the duration of the flight is longer than two hours, people must have several masks to avoid unforeseen events.

It was also known that there will be no food on two-hour flights and in those that last longer there will be a space, by rows, for the consumption of meals.

About the bathrooms, there are restrictions. One of them is that the crew You will not use the same bathroom as the passengers. Also, the idea is that, during short flights, the toilets are not used.

Finally, it must be said that only the traveler will enter the airport, who must arrive three hours in advance to carry out all the protocols.
