Everything you need to know about the Icfes 2020 Saber Pro Tests


Courtesy of Icfes
Courtesy of Icfes

Between Saturday, November 28 and Sunday, December 6, about 260 thousand students nearing the end of their professional careers will take this state exam under the electronic modality (more than 211,000 cited) and on site (more than 46,000).

“Colombia has been an example by applying State tests despite the pandemic that the world is experiencing due to covid-19”, affirmed the general director of Icfes, Mónica Ospina Londoño, adding: “We have adapted and we have responded with examinations under the electronic modality at home or on site, with all biosecurity measures. We are making this a reality thanks to all the support of the education sector and a great effort of our human and technical team, all in order to continue with the evaluation of education”.

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At home, students will be summoned to a single session, which will last a maximum of four hours and forty minutes and will take place on November 28 or 29 or December 3, 5 or 6. On site the exam will be applied only on four dates: November 28 and 29 and December 5 and 6, but in seven different sessions to avoid crowds. On-site registrants are encouraged to continually review their citation at icfes.gov.co to know the place, day and time, taking into account that there may be adjustments due to biosafety protocols.

“During this year we have already evaluated more than 800 thousand people in all corners of the country, of which more than 150 thousand took the Saber T&T test, electronically, and 660 thousand students took the Saber 11 tests, in pencil and paper , an important step for the evaluation not only in Colombia but in Latin America “, said the general director of Icfes and indicated that the attendance certificates for the Saber Pro test can be downloaded between December 7 and 19. The results will be published on March 15, 2021.

Home application

People who met the technical requirements to take the test at home, went through the authentication and registration process to validate their identity. This process is mandatory to take the exam on the assigned date from home. Students have the following service channels for support during the authentication and registration process:

1. Line 01-8000 128510

2. Chat built into the Sumadi platform and the Zendesk service desk

3. Email with Icfes domain: [email protected].

On this occasion, this test will be applied to people located in 1,090 municipalities throughout the national territory. This reflects the scope of the examination, which will be carried out electronically, to reach the homes of more than 211 thousand people, providing all the guarantees.


The test uses an artificial intelligence system to prevent people from taking fraudulent actions during the application from their homes. Icfes also invites students to accept an Ethical Commitment before starting the test.

Application on site

The on-site application will be developed in four days and seven unique sessions in more than 270 application points, located in more than 110 municipalities of the country, with all the biosafety guarantees to protect the health of students, their families and logistics personnel who will support the exam.

The Ministry of Health adopted the biosafety protocol for the management and control of the risk of covid-19 in the process of applying the State tests, within which locative measures of adequacy are established in the test application sites; measures before and during the application of the tests, at the entrance and exit of the test application sites, during the test and the movement to and from the test site.

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To learn more about the Biosafety Protocol you can consult the following link https://www.icfes.gov.co/documents/20143/1537032/Resolucion+1346+de+2020.pdf. The student must only attend the session on the assigned day, according to their citation.

Other basic recommendations for on-site application

• It is necessary to carry the identity document, be it citizenship card, identity card or password with photo and fingerprint, valid passport for nationals and foreigners and driving license for Colombian nationals.

• Whoever does not have a valid identification with them, must bring the loss report issued by the competent authorities and the fingerprint will be taken at the application site. Photocopies of identity documents are not allowed.

• The use of cell phones or any other electronic device is prohibited during the tests, this will lead to the cancellation of the exam.

• Download and confirm the appointment hours before and locate the exam site, to avoid setbacks. Calculate very well the travel time from the house to the place where the test will be presented.
