Ernesto Lucena, Minister of Sports, restart of professional football in Colombia – Government – Politics


Sports Minister Ernesto Lucena confirmed this Friday that Colombian soccer will return to competition no later than the third week of September.

He also assured that football will be maintained at the headquarters of each club, which is why the idea of ​​the bubble in one area of ​​the country was discarded, as had been proposed by some sports leaders.

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Lucena indicated, when referring to the issue of a single venue or the possibility of the normal tournament being held in their respective cities that “with the decree, issued by the National Government and in force as of September 1, there is flexibility in mobility land and opening of airports, which favors that the headquarters can be that of each team. Here it already depends on the local mayors, there are already cities that have given football a free pass, so the issue of a single venue is diluted and is not so feasible due to the costs it brings.

We want him to restart football, we are on the right track and I hope that, at the latest, in the third week of September, we will start the tournament

The official, during the Prevention and Action program, directed by President Iván Duque, reiterated that the Government’s support is total and “We want him to restart football, we are on the right track and I hope that, at the latest, in the third week of September we will start the tournament.”

(Read also: International flights do not start on September 1)

President Iván Duque also explained several of the measures adopted by the Government to face the crisis of the pandemic and what will be the new stage called selective isolation that will initially go until September 30, in which, restrictions on the movement of people will be less.

Government will pay covid-19 tests to those who visit San Andrés

Another of the news released in the television space this Friday is that through the Ministry of Health, the Government, after having evaluated the Action and Care Plan for the population of San Andrés and Providencia, in relation to the health emergency current, Covid-19 tests will be conducted at no cost to your visitors.

The covid-19 tests will be provided through the EPS, with centralized laboratories in the cities. The process will begin at the time of purchasing the tickets; The deadline for conducting the tests and the list of establishments where it will take place will be announced there.

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All visitors to San Andrés must download the CoronApp application and report their health status throughout their stay. In addition, the Ministry of Health will allocate resources for the EPS to carry out the tests. It will be a stimulus for visitors and thus be able to reactivate the island’s economy, tourism and trade, “said Health Minister Fernando Ruiz.

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