Eln: document sent from Cuba reveals division in that guerrilla – Investigative Unit


This message carries all the over-secure encryption keys. It must not circulate on the network (…) once decrypted and studied, it must be burned immediately (…) The security of our organization is in the hands of the discipline of each one of you”.

This is the heading of a document that members of the top leadership of the ELN guerrilla sent from Cuba last November to all the commanders of what they call the General Staff, the so-called War Front Directorates (DFG). the special commissions, the urban-national war front directorates (DFGUN), the national leadership and other organs of power of that illegal armed structure.

(We invite you to read: The 11 elenos that the US requests in extradition for drug trafficking)


The ELN document starts by warning that the message is encrypted, that it must not be revealed and that it must be destroyed after analyzing it.

EL TIEMPO corroborated the existence of the message with state sources who agree that it is a devastating document in which the ELN admits that it is internally divided and that the issue of drug trafficking has hit some of its so-called commanders. In addition, they consider it urgent that the leadership – with active arrest warrants in Colombia – return to the country.

((You may be interested: Who was and how did ‘Uriel’, the Eln’s terror in Chocó, operate?)

The distribution of the memorandum in Colombia and also in Venezuela – which was mostly printed – took a few weeks and coincided with the decision of the United States to include Cuba again in the list of “States sponsors of terrorism”, of which it had been withdrawn in 2015 by the Barack Obama administration (2009-2017), during the so-called “thaw” of the bilateral relationship.

Alias ​​Carlos Pig of the Eln

For the drug alias Carlos Puerco, the United States offers a reward of 5 million dollars.

In its decision, announced nine days before Joe Biden took office, express mention was made of Havana’s refusal to extradite the 10 leaders of the Eln, who have been required by the Colombian justice after the terrorist attack in La Cadet School of the General Santander Police (January 2019), which left 22 dead and more than 90 injured.

(Also: They confirm vendetta for coca in the entrails of the Eln) A month before the encrypted document was sent, EL TIEMPO exclusively revealed the names and photos of 11 Eln leaders requested by the United States in extradition for drug trafficking. For one of them, alias el Puerco, 5 million dollars are offered.


The memorandum admits that there is a clear fracture in the organization and that coca is hitting several of its structures.

Alias ​​Pablito

Carlos Emilio Marín is the real name of alias Pablito, from the ELN, he embodies the warlike wing of that illegal organization.

Two Eln?

A good part of the memorandum focuses on the serious internal division of that guerrilla that, from the outset, allows us to assume that they are going to go out and deny everything.

(In Context: The True Identity of the Eln’s Greatest Assassin)

“The enemy has divided us internally, has fractured the unity of the Central Command and the National Directorate, and not only because we are physically separated as an organism, but also because of the repercussions that the demobilization of the old Farc has had on the revolutionary consciousness and on our incidence in national politics ”, says the text.


They say it is urgent that COCE members return to the country, even if it is “simulating a peace process.”

Regarding this division, they add that in the mentality of what they call militancy, the idea that there are two ELNs has been permeating: one in Venezuela and the other in Colombia.

“That those who fight from the sister territory have gentrified and distanced themselves from the problems of the Eln in Colombia. This is a lie that the enemy has spread to put us against each other and, incidentally, distance us from the people ”.

(In Context: What aka ‘Uriel’ was hiding in the camp where he died)

In this context, the order is given to consolidate the presence in large cities and urban work that, they say, have not gone from being “transitory military operation apparatus.”

Farc and coca effect

They also directly address the issue of drug trafficking and other effects that the demobilization of the Farc, now a party of the Commons, has had.

(On the subject: The videos of the Eln emissary swearing total loyalty to Nicolás Maduro) In this regard, they say that this demobilization has had “repercussions on revolutionary consciousness” and on the impact of the Eln in national politics. And they refer to the “painful situation” experienced by “the party of the Rose” and the effects of the emergence of their dissidents.

Without delving further into this issue, the text emphasizes that the Eln’s policy has been “of total delimitation of drug trafficking activity.” And it is warned that “any violation of this orientation will be severely sanctioned.”

But they admit that the questioning that is made about their connection to drug trafficking seriously affects them and is exacerbated after having verified that there are commanders and structures linked to this “unethical and anti-revolutionary” activity.

(Also: The Eln’s new strategy to shake Bogotá and other capitals)

And after warning that they should oppose the return of glyphosate, they say that the government, the military and the media at the service of the bourgeoisie accuse them of vulgar drug traffickers in order to divide and delegitimize them internationally.

Nicolas Maduro

In the document it is clear that the dictatorship of Nicolás Maduro protects the leaders of the Eln.


Miraflores Press. Efe

Peace, Venezuela and neighborhood

Regarding Venezuela, in addition to admitting that they have commanders in their territory, they point out that they must reactivate what they call the geopolitical projection ‘Our America’, which includes solidarity with that country “in light of internationalism and the Bolivarian revolution with neighboring countries.”

(We invite you to read: The audio in which the attack on Bogotá in the south and on Rosales was planned) Last year, EL TIEMPO revealed an articulation in Bolivia, Ecuador and Chile to infiltrate popular mobilizations.

And they anticipate that no matter who wins the presidency in the United States, members of the Eln will continue to be considered drug traffickers, terrorists and traitors of the country.

Finally, the letter –which is already being analyzed by intelligence experts– warns that the ELN must take immediate corrections that include, even, maneuvering before a potential peace approach with the government of Iván Duque.

(It could be of your interest: The powerful woman designated to be the link between the Eln and Maduro)

And here they launch what would be a slam of the door to possible rapprochement with the current government: “On our part, we have to thoroughly rethink the political dynamics through dialogues or peace processes. We were physically trapped in the midst of the dynamics of the dialogue process that we had been developing. We have to take a tactical measure that allows us to get out of that situation, even by simulating a peace process ”.

And they finish by saying that at this time any possibility of dialogue with the Duque government is conditioned on the return of the delegation in Cuba to the country and on the agenda already agreed with the previous government (that of Juan Manuel Santos).

In this regard, ‘Pablo Beltrán’, leader of the Eln in Cuba, said at the end of 2020 that there is some kind of rapprochement to return to a dialogue table. But Miguel Ceballos, high commissioner of Peace, came out to warn that the Duque government has not authorized anyone to build such bridges with the ELN leadership.

(Also: The video and evidence of the supposed plan to overthrow Maduro)

And Ceballos also reacted to the document revealed by EL TIEMPO: “There is and will not be direct dialogues with the ELN by our government until when it stops kidnapping and committing criminal acts, and its leadership overcomes its divisions and decides once and for all, whether or not you want Peace.

The Maduro dictatorship does great damage to the peace of Colombia by allowing the ELN to move and commit crimes in its territory, looking the other way when they commit atrocious crimes here and take refuge there

Commissioner for Peace reacts to the document

EL TIEMPO consulted the content of the document with Miguel Ceballos, high commissioner for Peace, who said that it “confirms the public statements of the ELN spokesmen, which reflect a disparity of criteria among their leaders.”

According to Ceballos, “some speak of peace from Havana and others order crimes against humanity from Venezuela, like alias Pablito, who recognized the responsibility for the murder of 22 cadets from the General Santander School; or alias Antonio García, who also from Venezuela constantly justifies criminal actions, such as attacks against the oil pipeline or kidnappings ”.

Miguel Ceballos placeholder image

Miguel Ceballos, the Government’s High Commissioner for Peace, says that the video confirms Colombia’s complaints to the UN.


Claudia Rubio. TIME Archive

For Ceballos, if they do not unify their position, there will continue to be two ELNs: “The one who says they want peace from Cuba and the one who wants to blow up any possibility of advancing in a real peace.” And he explained that the 5 members of the Central Command – two in Cuba and three in Venezuela – have been away for almost three years and their distance from reality is notorious.

“Maduro’s dictatorship does great damage to the peace of Colombia by allowing the ELN to move and commit crimes at ease in its territory, and looking the other way when they commit atrocious crimes in our country and take refuge in Venezuela,” he said. the official.

(Watch here all the articles of the Investigative Unit of EL TIEMPO)

And he warned: “There will not be, nor will there be, direct dialogues with the ELN until it stops kidnapping and committing criminal acts; your own leadership will overcome divisions and decide, once and for all, whether or not you want peace.

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