Eln: alias Pablito orders the execution of 3 leaders for drug trafficking issues – Investigative Unit


The file that the United States has opened against 11 members of the Eln for drug trafficking confirmed that that guerrilla is an important illegal player in drug trafficking in the world. In fact, the State Department has already begun offering rewards for several of its leaders.

And although this week an old video was circulated in which alias ‘Gabino’ distances himself from drug trafficking, new evidence in the hands of the authorities confirms that several fronts are fully involved in the business.

(We invite you to read: The 11 elenos that the US requests in extradition for drug trafficking)

EL TIEMPO had access to a document from intelligence agencies, which is already in the hands of federal agents, which indicates that Alias ​​’Pablito’, a member of the so-called Eln Central Command and with direct influence on the eastern war front, ordered the execution of three commanders.

(You may be interested: The Eln’s new strategy to shake Bogotá and other capitals)

“The order was given by aliases Pablito and aliases Raúl or Nacho, the head of this structure (…) they ordered the death of three important commanders due to serious internal problems faced by this war front, derived essentially from corruption resulting from mismanagement of money obtained from drug trafficking and other illegal activities, “reads the document held by EL TIEMPO.

‘Revolutionary trial’

According to intelligence officials, the members of the Eln subjected to revolutionary trial were identified as Nahin Quintero, alias ‘Alberto’ or ‘Brazo de Reina’.

This is the designated leader of the dreaded Domingo Laín Sanz front, who had assumed that role at the beginning of 2020, after being transferred from the Efraín Pabón Pabón front, of which he was also its main leader.

(In Context: The True Identity of the Eln’s Greatest Assassin) Intelligence reports indicate that he had been with the ELN for more than 30 years.

According to his criminal record, he registered two arrest warrants for the crimes of kidnapping, homicide, personal injury, forced disappearance, rebellion, terrorism in the 29th and 32nd Specialized Prosecutors of Bogotá and Bucaramanga, respectively.

“According to human sources and interceptions, he would have kept money from the organization, acquired real estate in Venezuela and Colombia and did not report it to his superiors,” says the report.

(In addition: The videos of the Eln emissary swearing total loyalty to Nicolás Maduro)

. Days before he was tied up to advance the alleged “trial” he had been captured along with his lover by the Venezuelan guard, as he had escaped from the camp where he was. Alias ​​Raúl or Nacho and Pablito himself from COCE had to intervene for his release. The same guard would have confirmed to these leaders various irregularities in which alias Alberto or Brazo de Reina had been incurring.

After torturing him to make him confess about his assets, properties, money and contacts, he was assassinated on August 14, 2020 at the site Los Bancos del Estado Apure.

The other two

The other executed were identified as José Rubiel Ruiz Pamplona, ​​alias Sierra, second leader and head of finance for the Domingo Laín Sanz front.

The other Hernando Silva Chapeta, alias Guanache, head of the Ernesto Ché Guevara commission of the Domingo Laín Sáenz front, where he played a prominent role in terms of security for the leaders of the eastern war front and for alias Pablito.

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