Elections USA 2020: Gustavo Petro called Donald Trump ‘loser’ – Political Parties – Politics


The fight between the senator of Human Colombia, Gustavo Petro, and the president of the United States, Donald Trump, continues to increase, amid the vote count that will define the next president of the United States, until 2024.

This Friday, when the world’s eyes are on Joe Biden and Donald Trump, Petro lashed out at the Republican and responded to a message that Trump wrote on social networks that says: “Philadelphia has a rotten history in terms of electoral integrity.”

This is one of the largest cities in Pennsylvania, where 95% of the votes have been counted and Joe Biden leads the way.

(We suggest: ‘This election is not over,’ says Trump’s campaign team.)

After that, Petro replied in a trill: “You told me ‘loser’, friend Trump, now I say to you: ‘loser'”. Remember that ‘loser’ in Spanish means loser.

This is because on October 10, when the elections were less than a month away, the American trilled: “Joe Biden is a puppet of ‘Castro-Chavistas’, like ‘Crazy’ Bernie (Bernie Sanders), AOC (Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez ) and Castro’s lover, Karen Bass. Biden has the support of socialist Gustavo Petro, a major loser and former M-19 guerrilla leader. Biden is weak on socialism and will betray Colombia. “

The scuffle between Trump and Petro has been going on for more than two months, when they were still in the presidential campaign.

The ‘Latinos for Trump’ campaign was the first to mention the senator of Colombia Humana, publishing propaganda against the democrat Biden and pointing out that he had support from “progressives like Gustavo Petro or Nicolás Maduro”, they have even called him ‘Castrochavista’ .

(You may be interested: The latest data from the 5 states that have the US in suspense).

After that, there have been several times that taunts have been launched.

(Do not go unread: Three lies by Trump for which TV networks cut their transmission).

Twitter: @PoliticaET
