Elections in the United States: Why Russia and China have not congratulated Biden – United States Elections 2020 – International


It’s been two days since Democrat Joe Biden He was proclaimed president-elect of the United States, but neither Russia nor China have congratulated him on having won the November 3 election against President Donald Trump.

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On the one hand, Russian President Vladimir Putin will congratulate the Democrat as soon as the official results are available of the US presidential elections, his spokesman, Dmitri Peskov, said on Monday.

“I want to say the following: we consider it appropriate to wait for the official information on the elections”he said at his press conference. The Kremlin spokesman recalled that the Russian president “has said repeatedly that he will respect any choice of the American people and will be willing to work with any president of the United States.”

Peskov stressed that, in any case, the Russian authorities hope to establish a dialogue with the next president of the United States and “jointly agree on the ways to normalize bilateral relations”, they are in a very low moment.

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Vladimir Putin

Russian President Vladimir Putin.



“Especially since a significant part of these bilateral relations, in particular strategic stability and security, they concern not only our two peoples but, de facto, all the peoples of the world, “added the Kremlin spokesman, referring to the control of nuclear weapons.

On the other hand, China refrained from congratulating Biden, arguing, this Monday, that the final result of the elections is not yet known.

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“We note that Biden declared himself the winner in the elections,” a spokesman for the Chinese Foreign Ministry, Wang Wenbin, told reporters. “As far as we know, the outcome of the elections will be determined by the laws and procedures in force in the United States.”he added, two days after the victory of the Democratic candidate, contested by the outgoing president, Donald Trump.

We note that Biden was declared the winner at the

However, in November 2016, when Donald Trump was elected president of the United States, Xi Jinping congratulated him the day after the elections.

Although the defeat of the Republican candidate could be a relief for
China, immersed in a trade war started by Washington in 2018, some experts pointed out that Beijing could fear Let Biden put more pressure on him on human rights.

Asked about it, the Chinese spokesman said that his country would remain determined to defend “its sovereignty, its security and its development.” “We hope that the next US administration will show a willingness to compromise,” he declared.

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China takes action

Chinese President Xi Jinping.

China probably seeks to avoid the ire of an American leader who is still contesting the outcome. Xi’s silence contrasts with the attitude of Taiwan President Tsai Ing-Wen, who quickly congratulated Biden in a tweet: “The values ​​on which we have built our relationship could not be stronger.”

Other countries such as Mexico or Brazil also refrained from sending a message to

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AFP, Efe and Bloomberg

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