Elections in the United States: Trump and Biden put Colombia in the campaign – USA and Canada – International


Colombia, and its politics, was once again in the middle of the presidential campaign in the United States. This is due to an advertising video that was presented this Monday morning in which the Democratic candidate, Joe Biden, is accused of being a “Castro-Chavista” and Images of Senator Gustavo Petro and President Iván Duque’s visit to the White House are used to demonstrate this.

The video is in Spanish, lasts 30 seconds, and was produced by President Donald Trump’s campaign for initial distribution in Florida and other Spanish-speaking markets.

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And it starts with a one Image of former Vice President greeting Senator Bernie Sanders, that he aspired to the nomination of the Democratic Party and that the republicans have characterized as a representative of extreme socialism.

Donald Trump campaign videoVideo of Donald Trump’s campaign against Joe Biden.

Trump video screenshot

“Joe Biden is the candidate of Castrochavism,” says the narrator, giving way to another moment in which he appears Petro saying he would “vote for Biden without the slightest doubt” and images of the president of Nicaragua, Daniel Ortega, and the Cubans Raúl and Fidel Castro.

(You may be interested in: ‘Support for Colombia is undoubted’: Joe Biden)

“He betrayed the Nicaraguans, he gave millions to the Castros, he turned his back on the Venezuelans. With Trump we will defeat the Castro-Chavistas “says the video at another time where Biden is shown shaking hands with Nicolás Maduro.

The advertising segment Then it goes on to a video that includes President Duque’s visit to Trump at the White House in February 2019. The image shows a black limousine with the Colombian flags arriving at the doors of the presidential mansion and Trump and his wife, Melania, waiting for the Colombian president.

Campaign sources consulted by this newspaper and who participated in the creation of the commercial confirmed that, indeed, the image corresponds to Duque’s view of Washington, on February 13 of last year, and that they were trying to highlight Trump’s support for the country.

(Also read: The harshest sentences of the first debate between Trump and Biden)

“America will never be a socialist country,” says the US president at the end of the ad, while in the background appear military aircraft flying over Mount Rushmore, the national park in South Dakota where the faces of the most famous presidents of the USA are carved in stone.

“As President Trump said in his statement on Saturday, we will always be with our Colombian friends. We are honored that the Latino for Trump coalition has so many Colombian members who recognize the great success of the president’s economy, which achieved the lowest poverty levels in history for Hispanics before the pandemic that came from China It will affect all the nations of the world, “Giancarlo Sopo, spokesman for President Trump’s campaign and communications strategist, told EL TIEMPO.

Donald trump

The president of the United States, Donald Trump, had already mentioned Colombia in a campaign event.

According to Sopo, “millions of Americans are deeply concerned that Joe Biden has not ruled out appointing Castrochavistas to senior officials in his administration, such as Senator Bernie Sanders and Congresswoman Karen Bass, who openly admire Fidel Castro. As someone who grew up in Miami, I know very well how much the Colombian community values ​​freedom and democracy, and I can assure you that President Trump will always be a wall against Castro-Chavism, “the spokesperson continued.

(You may be interested: ‘Trump lies about Colombia, his attacks make us laugh’)

Fabio Andrade, a member of Latinos for Trump, stated: “This announcement highlights what the majority of Colombians who live abroad are very clear: Joe Biden is the puppet of the Castro-Chavista wing of his party. Maybe Biden was a ‘moderate’ many years ago, but during his campaign Biden has promised to be ‘the most progressive president in the history’ of this country and all Latinos know very well what that would mean. We must not go beyond his government plan, where Biden openly advocates for a tax increase of 4 billion dollars and even forcing taxpayers to pay for abortions until the ninth month of pregnancies, “says Andrade, who is Colombian .

On Saturday Trump had already published a series of trills on Twitter in which he congratulated former president Álvaro Uribe Vélez after his release from house arrest and called him an ally in the fight against Castro-Chavism. And he insisted that Biden was a puppet of socialists like Petro.

(Also read: After congratulating Uribe, Trump lashes out at Petro)

Parallel, Democrats have been promoting their own advertisements claiming that it is Trump who resembles the Castros and Chávez, because he behaves like a dictator and is destroying the pillars of democracy.

In a recent interview with this newspaper, Congressman Rubén Gallego, the only one of Colombian origin in the US Congress, says that the Castro-Chavista is Trump because he has not even wanted to commit to a peaceful transition of power and he aligns himself with autocrats like Vladimir Putin.

(You may be interested: ‘Reconstruction of the alliance with Colombia will be one of my priorities’)

Biden, in an editorial published by EL TIEMPO last week, argues that it regards Colombia as “the cornerstone of US policy for the region” and that if he becomes president, he will continue to support the country.

EL TIEMPO correspondent
