Elections 2022: the best and worst qualified candidates, according to Invamer


The candidates that make up the so-called Coalition of Hope are the best qualified, with Humberto de la Calle, Juan Manuel Galán and Sergio Fajardo at the head.

While it remains more than a year to the presidential election that will define the next tenant of the Casa de Nariño, the moves and plays on the different political shores with a view to select your strongest cards. A photograph of how the favorability of each of the players who appear today in the match is the one presented this Wednesday by the survey of Invader survey.

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The measurement, which also shows that the President Duque’s approval remains at 36%, suggests that the candidates of the so-called Hope Coalition, from the center-left, are the best qualified. At the head is the former vice president and peace negotiator Humberto de la Calle, with a favorable image of 54%, compared to a negative image of 21%. Compared to last January, its favorability soared by seven points.

Besides the former senator Juan Manuel Galán –With a favorable rating of 46% and a negative image of 14% -, is the former governor of Antioquia, Sergio Fajardo, with a favorability of 39% and a negative image of 25%. It is striking that, compared to last January, its unfavorable rate went from 28% to 25%.

Senators were also measured Jorge Enrique Robledo –With a favorability of 18%, and a negative image of 19% -; Angélica Lozano, with a favorable image of 17% and a negative image of 19%, and Ivan Marulanda, with a favorability of 8% against an unfavorable image that amounts to 41%.

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The incursion of Alejandro Gaviria, who has not yet confirmed his presidential aspiration, with a favorable rating of 25% (three points less compared to January) and a negative image of 15% (three points more than last month). Another who has sounded, but who has not formalized his aspiration, is the former attorney Fernando Carrillo, which appears with a favorability of 16% and an unfavorability of 12%.

On the other hand, in the so-called Historical Pact coalition, the favorable image of the senator Gustavo Petro increased from 35% to 37%. Along these lines, its negative image fell from 55% in January to 46% in February. Also senator Roy Barreras presents an unfavorable 37%, compared to a favorable image of only 13%.

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In the spectrum of the center-right, although she has not yet resigned or formalized her presidential aspirations, the current vice president appears Marta Lucia Ramirez, whose positive image went from 31% to 32%, while its unfavorable image increased from 39% to 40%.

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The former candidate Oscar Iván Zuluaga, who has also been flirted to re-launch, figure with a favorability of 27% and a negative image of 36%. The former mayor of Medellín Federico Gutierrez It also appears in the measurement with a favorable image of 24% and a negative image of 11%. He is also a former mayor Alexander Char registers a favorability of 17% and an unfavorability of 27%.

The Senator of the Democratic Center Paloma Valencia figure, in turn, with an unfavorable image of 34% and a positive image of 11%. Your colleague Paola Holguin It also registers a favorability of 6% and a negative image of 13%. Finally, former Vice Minister Rafael Nieto, with a favorable opinion of 8% and a negative opinion of 7%.





OBJECTIVES: measure the approval of the President and the favorability of characters and institutions in Colombia. Know public opinion on current events. Evaluate the opinion of the general public in Colombia and of President Iván Duque Márquez. Measure the concept of people facing current Colombian problems. Observe the level of acceptance of the people regarding laws, proposals or statements of the moment. Carry out a general evaluation in the main cities of the country on the work of the respective mayor and the way people are perceiving their city.

UNIVERSE: men and women aged 18 or over, of all socio-economic levels, resident in Bogotá (5′479.011), Medellín (1′813.155), Cali (1′374.126), Barranquilla (810,019) and Bucaramanga (390,351) for a total of 9’866,662 people, according to the 2018 Census.

SAMPLING FRAME: To carry out this study, a methodology called dual frames was implemented, that is, two sampling frames (fixed line and cell number generation) were used to select people. Telephone coverage in the 5 large cities, according to the DANE census, is 85%. The households with a telephone line are Bogotá 1 519 354 Medellín 609 664 Cali 383 674 Barranquilla 122 498 and Bucaramanga 112 276 Total 2 747 466. For the cellular line frame, there is a frame of random numbers generated by Invamer.

SAMPLE SIZE AND DISTRIBUTION: 1,200 surveys (800 landlines and 400 cell phones) distributed as follows: Bogotá 400 surveys (240 landlines and 160 cell phones), Medellín 200 surveys (140 landlines and 60 cell phones), Cali (200 surveys 140 landlines) and 60 cell phones), Barranquilla 200 surveys (140 landlines and 60 cell phones) and Bucaramanga 200 surveys (140 landlines and 60 cell phones) in addition to the distribution by socio-economic levels in proportion to the population To adjust the total sample weighting factors are applied to the actual size of the universe for each city.

SAMPLING SYSTEM: A probability sampling was carried out in stages depending on the type of sampling frame.For the fixed telephony framework, first a systematic random selection of households with fixed telephony was carried out and then a simple random selection of a person aged 18 years or older was carried out. . For the cell phone framework, a random selection of people over 18 years of age was carried out.

ERROR RANGE: the margins of error within 95% confidence limits are for the total sample of the 5 cities +/- 2.83%; for the total of the Bogotá sample +/- 4.90% for the total of the samples of Medellín, Cali, Barranquilla and Bucaramanga +/- 6.93%.

DATA COLLECTION TECHNIQUE: computer-assisted telephone surveys.

DATA COLLECTION DATE: February 19-28, 2021.


VALIDATION METHOD: 100 of the surveys carried out were reviewed and 15 of them were supervised.

TOPICS REFERRED TO: public opinion on current leaders, characters, institutions and events.

RESPONSE RATE: the response rate for landlines was 23.69% and for cell phones, 7.43%. This rate reflects the number of sample units that completed the questionnaire, as a percentage of the number of eligible sample units.
