Elections 2020: What happens in the United States if Donald Trump cannot govern? – USA and Canada – International


After Donald Trump announced that he tested positive for coronavirus, a question that arises is about the scenarios contemplated by the Constitution of the United States in case of absence or disability of governing by the president.

(In Context: Donald Trump and his wife Melania test positive for coronavirus)

The Magna Carta of this country, in its amendment number 25, has an article that refers exclusively to this matter. “In the event of removal of the president from office or his death or resignation, the vice president will assume the presidency”, Reads the Constitution.

(Read here: Messages of support for Trump after testing positive for covid-19)

And then add: “Whenever there is a vacancy in the vice president’s office, the president shall appoint a vice president who will take office upon confirmation by majority vote of both Houses of Congress.”.

Mike pence

Mike Pence, Vice President of the United States.

In this case, who would take over the reins would be Mike Pence, who is currently serving as Trump’s vice president. In fact, Pence announced that he tested negative for covid-19.

However, before knowing the result of the covid-19 test of the second in command in the White House, the question arose of what happens in the event that both are missing (president and vice president). In this scenario, the presidency is expected to be temporarily assumed by the president of the House of Representatives of Congress.

(Also read: This is how Donald Trump’s finances are, between income and taxes).

For now, the same White House doctor, Sean Conley, in a statement stated that Trump and his wife “are doing well at the moment and plan to stay at home (the White House) during their convalescence. I hope the President continues to serve without interruption while he recovers“, He said.

For now, Trump will be forced to dispense with the campaign rallies he loves and counted on to regain ground against Biden, who is ahead in national polls. and in key states to win the presidency in the November 3 elections.

The White House announced the cancellation of the trip that the Republican president had planned for Friday to Florida, a key state in the elections, where Biden has an advantage 47.8% compared to 46.7% for the president.

The president kept a conference call on covid-19 focused on “vulnerable elderly people”. Trump has come under fire for his handling of the pandemic by his adversaries, scientists and even by his co-religionists.

Health part

The president of the United States, Donald Trump, has “mild symptoms” and remains “in a good mood”his chief of staff, Mark Meadows, said on Friday.

“Not only is he in a good mood, but he also has a lot of energy.”Meadows said, saying “optimistic” about a “quick recovery.”

For her part, First Lady Melania Trump wrote on Twitter: “Thank you for the love you send us. I have mild symptoms, but overall I feel fine. I hope a speedy recovery“.

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* With AFP
