Edwin Congo Latest News: ‘I do not traffic with cocaine’, he spoke for the El Chiringuito program | Colombians Abroad


After the former Colombian soccer player was detained in Spain by local authorities to request statements in a case related to drug trafficking, the former Real Madrid soccer player was released and hours later he spoke with the ‘El Chiringuito’ program, about what happened during the day.

“It is normal, I have a bond with this type of people, with many we dined with the family, it is a situation that must be clarified and I am ready … It is a long process, I think it will take many years and the The day they call me, here I am, the main thing they said to me was: ‘Dissociate yourself from this type of people who do not suit you, dedicate yourself to what you are doing’, and likewise I went out and came to my house … Maybe As they took me out, they told me to go to your house, “said the former Levante, who assured that he only went to testify more and was not captured on any charge.

Congo assured that he is calm in the face of the situation, since he is innocent and only went to answer some questions in front of the authorities: “I am very calm, I have not done anything aggravating, I do not traffic with cocaine, I do not have cocaine in my home, I am barely in good health, confined, I behave very well … The type of circumstances in which this is occurring are not comfortable for me, for my family … The sensationalism of the news makes things are not said as they are, they just called me, give me an investigation … I cannot be trampled overnight. I do not have to tell anyone to believe me or to believe me. I have nothing What to do with that, I am innocent, I have not done anything that has to do with the sale and manufacture of cocaine. “

“I am linked to a series of people who have gotten there, but from there to something I have done … I am still the same Edwin Congo as always.”, Said the former Colombian player who is also a panelist for the Spanish program.

To conclude, Congo referred to the messages and news that accused him prior to his public statements: “I am a person free of any problem, all of us have the possibility of getting together with beings who may not bring you, but to me , they came this morning, they spoke to me, they told me to get organized and accompany us, they asked me a series of questions and I returned home, they treated me very well, and being at the station if they tied my hands as the protocol says, they read my rights as every citizen and then they asked me a series of questions, showing me photos of people I knew. “

“My family was very affected at the beginning, I knew the bomb that was going to fall in Colombia, in Colombia they are very sensational and much more with this type of situation, there in order to sell a news they totally discount you, nobody called me to ask me What happened … The information is misrepresented in a very ugly way, so my family is suffering a lot, but thank God I have been able to talk to them and I told them that I am at home, that I am confined, that I am calm. “
