Education Minister María Victoria Angulo explains the class model during 2021 – Education – Life


Some 260,000 minors dropped out of school this year in the context of the pandemic, representing a dropout rate of 2.2 percent. This was stated in an interview with EL TIEMPO by the Minister of Education María Victoria Angulo.

Among other things, the head of the educational portfolio took stock of her management during 2020, a year that saw how the education sector experienced great changes such as the closure of schools and universities, which implied working from home, as well as the implementation of the alternation model, which according to Angulo will remain firm at least until the vaccination against covid-19 is fully carried out throughout the country.

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How does Colombia end the year 2020 in the implementation of alternation?

Since July, the country has been a pioneer in the region together with Uruguay in the publication of guidelines for a gradual, progressive and safe return. After the start of the pilots, today more than 73 percent of the national territory began to alternate, particularly in 51 of the 96 ministries of education.

All the territorial entities have already delivered their alternation plans and the resources totaling $ 400,000 million were transferred to them for the purchase of all the biosecurity elements.

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How did the pandemic affect desertion in Colombia?

As of November 2020 we have an enrollment of 9,428,897 preschool, elementary and middle school students. Regarding the number of withdrawn from the system, it gives us a dropout rate of 2.2 percent (264,000 fewer students). It is a desertion that to December will close at a very similar figure to the previous year (which was 2.99 percent).

In higher education we have a dropout close to 10 percent. Traditionally this figure, without a pandemic, was between 10 and 12 percent. Which is not to say that we are going to lower our guard.

What will the start of classes be like in 2021?

The schools will start between the third week of January and the first of February depending on the approved calendar. A very detailed work has been carried out to guarantee the safe return to the classrooms starting next year, but not total, but with alternation, with face-to-face sessions and with an important component of work at home, attending to the needs of each region and institution.

How long will the alternation go?

Care and biosecurity measures must be maintained until the entire immunization process is completely completed and the public health situation regarding the coronavirus is controlled.

María Victoria Angulo, Minister of Education

María Victoria Angulo, Minister of Education.


Ministry of Education

Have you spoken with the sectors that are against this return to the classroom?

One understands that doubts would arise in such an unusual year as this. That is why since August we have constituted a scientific committee for education issues to do pedagogy, give a lot of information to all those in the educational community.

With parents, we began a process to demystify many issues, to show that there was really an impact from this isolation process and that with all the measures implemented, the stage was to be able to return. Clearly, the parent’s decision is always respected.

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This pedagogical process was also done with Fecode and it was repeatedly clarified that the resources to guarantee the protocol are contemplated in the funds of the Fome already drawn, and as needed, the pertinent resources will be given.

What strategies were implemented so that the sector did not stop in the pandemic?

Efforts were made in everything that has to do with innovation and content such as the online education platform Aprender Digital, the My Signal channel, more than 1,200 community stations, delivery of guides and specific programs of each of the regions that allowed to reach all areas of the country.

And in terms of resources?

Actions were taken such as the creation of the Solidarity Fund for Education, which provided resources for families, schools, gardens and students. Thanks to this fund, we were able to support 57,776 families that benefited from paying pensions. There was support for the payment of university fees, relief for Icetex debtors, among others.

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Will there be support for private institutions in 2021?

The Solidarity Fund and the line of support for the payment of pensions for schools and gardens continues. On the university side, Icetex’s relief plan continues and, with additional resources, Findeter’s financing line will continue, as will the United for Colombia line, which provides financial support for higher education institutions.

And will support for zero tuition continue?

Yes. Last semester, with the resources of the Ministry and other entities, we managed to get more than 500,000 students to have a 100 percent discount. This will continue due to the continuity of the Solidarity Fund and Generation E. There will be added resources that are already confirming mayors and governors.

What is the strategy to address learning delays from isolation?

From the end of October we launched the Evaluate to Advance system. This does not seek to rank, but rather to give very accurate information on which areas of knowledge have to be reinforced. We also have the Emotions for Life program that seeks to accompany this emotional development, also affected.

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What measures taken in the pandemic will become permanent?

The Assess for Advancement and Emotions for Life programs, as well as online education platforms, will be maintained. Another issue to highlight that led to the pandemic was the strengthening of the family-school bond that was strengthened at this time.

Outside of the issue of the pandemic, what other issues was there progress on?

For the third consecutive year, education is the sector with the most resources approved and executed. By 2021, 47.3 billion pesos were approved. The creation of the School Feeding Unit was also achieved, which allowed us to reach 5.7 million children with school feeding in the period 2020 and which will serve to monitor the School Feeding Program (PAE).

Last year we found more than 250 infrastructure projects paralyzed due to legal or budgetary problems. Today 180 new schools have been delivered in total.

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We found a baseline of 40 schools, that is, in the government of President Iván Duque, 140 schools have been delivered and in addition, 95 percent of the works stopped for systematic non-compliance were reactivated and also on the occasion of the pandemic we began supporting the rural infrastructure with about 200,000 million pesos that will allow 668 rural educational centers to remain with improvement that includes classrooms, dining rooms, reinforcement, etc.

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