Easyfly announces new flights in Colombia


It will enable night flights to the Coffee Region

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The routes will depart from Bogotá and will arrive at the Matecaña airports in the city of Pereira and El Edén in Armenia.

Easyfly announces that thanks to the extension of the schedules at the Matecaña airports in the city of Pereira and El Edén in Armenia, endorsed by the Civil Aeronautics, the airline will operate night flights as of January 3, 2021.

The schedule to operate on the Bogotá – Pereira – Bogotá route with the night flight will be:

Route from Closing hour Arrival schedule Route from Closing hour Arrival schedule
Bogota – Pereira 19:10 20:10 Pereira – Bogota 20:50 21:50

While on the Bogotá – Armenia – Bogotá route the night schedule will be:

Route from Closing hour Arrival schedule Route from Closing hour Arrival schedule
Bogota – Armenia 18:25 19:25 Armenia – Bogota 19:55 20:55

Since the air reactivation, Easyfly has transported more than 54,600 passengers to and from the Coffee Region.

(Also read: Tourism and coffee: What is the Coffee Cultural Landscape? Travel tips)

With the additional night flights from Bogotá, the airline connects its passengers with direct flights to 10 cities:

  • Pereira, Armenia, Neiva, Yopal: routes operated with up to three daily flights.
  • Manizales up to two daily flights.
  • Florence and Barrancabermeja even with a daily flight: the latter will start from January 18, 2021, like the route Puerto Asís which will be operated with up to three weekly frequencies.
  • The route to Quibdó, which is operated with up to three weekly frequencies: Monday, Wednesday and Friday.
  • Popayan, that starts from January 3, 2021, will be operated with up to one daily flight.

The executive president of the Cauca Chamber of Commerce, Ana Fernanda Muñoz, stated that “with great joy we received the news of the return of EasyFly to Popayán. This shows the commitment that the airline has with our city, and is a response to the need that Popayán has to strengthen its connectivity. Having more flights will help our city, and our department, fulfill the important commitment we have in economic recovery ”.

At the end of 2020, Easyfly will close its operation with 33 direct routes throughout the national territory and presence in 24 cities.

The airline, a pioneer in the air reactivation process in the country, assures that “at the end of the year it will transport more than 220,000 passengers between September and December 2020, offering an efficient air service, committed to guaranteeing and recovering the confidence of its passengers so that they feel safe to fly again ”.
