Duván Zapata asks the Colombian National Team to defend well to attack Uruguay, Qatar 2022 Qualifying | Colombia selection


Duván Zapata reaches the Colombian National Team in full and that, happily, is almost a tradition.

The Colombian attacker adds 6 goals at the start of the season, which sums up well his moment and the happiness of the national team to have him healthy and available for this Friday, at 3:30 pm, against Uruguay, for the Qatar World Cup Qualifier 2022.

Experience tells him that order in Barranquilla does not begin with his goals but with avoiding them: “to attack well you need to first defend yourself well, that is the basis, defend ourselves well on all lines and from there attack. We have the players to do it, that will be one of the keys to play a good game, “he explained.

From then on, everything should be considered: “A difficult game is coming, they have very good players with experience and hierarchy up front and in all lines, it will be a nice game,” said the good Duván.

He will have two problems: Godín and Jiménez. “It will surely be a very tough game against them, I am aware of the category of the Uruguayan defenders, with great grit, it is only with mobility on the attack front and technically doing a good role that we will hurt them if we have the opportunity to play” .

The Valle del Cauca scorer is clear about what awaits him in the heat of 3:30 pm: “It is a game with a very high intensity, we cannot be below that level, we will have a very physical challenge, but we have good players, we know defend ourselves well and if we can play a good game forward, we will hurt the Uruguayan defenders. There are movements in which they are vulnerable and we must take advantage of it, always respecting the game plan that we have. “

Zapata had already established himself as a starter in the first two games ahead of captain Falcao, but it does not mean that he will not miss him: the lack of Falcao and Dávinson, who surely will not be there either, gives us who are of power the opportunity play and do well, it is the coach’s decision, “he said.

The decision, at a time like his, is him. Later, on the match, each decision will mark the path.
