Duque’s explanation about the credit for Avianca – Government – Politics


President Iván Duque, in dialogue with the radio station Ondas de Ibagué, came out on Monday to explain the reasons why the National Government authorized a loan for a value close to 370 million dollars for the Avianca airline.

The president began by explaining a good part of the programs that his government has arranged in what has to do with support for workers and companies for economic reactivation.

In that sense, he placed great emphasis on the Formal Employment Support Program, with which he explained that 40 percent of a minimum wage is being subsidized, to protect companies whose turnover has been affected by 20 percent or more.

He said that this initiative benefits some 135 thousand companies and about 3 million workers.

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Referring specifically to the issue of airlines, he said that this issue has been so sensitive in the world that many governments, and mentioned specific examples, have decided to provide resources to air passenger transport companies.

The reason why Colombia decides to participate, first in a loan, which is not a subsidy but a loan, which is not cheap, is done within a scheme of bankruptcy and restructuring that is guaranteed by legal tools”Said the head of state.

“It is a contingent credit that protects between direct and indirect jobs about 500 thousand jobs in the country and much more when this airline represents about 50 percent of the connectivity,” said the president.

When asked if credits can be given to other airlines, he answered: “of course, yes”. because it is being sought is to support the continuity of the national air system that is also fundamental for air safety, for connectivity, tourism and for other purposes

In that sense, Duque also recalled that there are credit lines for other sectors.

And before the reference to a trill from the mayor of Bogotá, Claudia López, in which she points out that there are millions of unemployed and that territorial entities have been submitting loan and rescue proposals for months without receiving any response, which in the opinion of the president “bordering on corruption and the auto loan that is privileged to Avianca”, the president limited himself to saying: “I do not answer trills”

Election of attorney

President Duque also responded about the election by Congress of his former minister Margarita Cabello as the new attorney. “I believe that we must remove our suspicions, what the Constitution and the law mandates has been complied with,” he said.

And then added: “Let’s remove the suspicion that because she was a minister, she will not have independence”.

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