Duque talks about measures to mitigate the effects of the coronavirus – Government – Politics


The President, in his usual “Prevention and Action” program, announced that they made the decision to tighten the measures of mandatory preventive isolation in the Amazon.

The president pointed out that because it is a complex border area and the increase in cases of contagion, they made the decision to “militarize all the border points (between Brazil and Colombia) with greater presence and exercise the respective control to prevent floating population cases are coming, “he said.

In addition, the Head of State spoke that they have taken containment measures in the Leticia prison. “We have identified the possibility of expanding service capacity with hotel infrastructure in the area … resources have also been mobilized by the Ministry of Health.”

President Iván Duque said that they will give 4,000 more markets to families in the Amazon, and noted that they sent 17 health professionals (doctors, bacteriologists, nurses) and Civil Defense personnel to attend to the emergency in this department.

Health Minister Fernando Ruiz warned that they will give 55,000 face masks for the use of the population and announced that they will allocate $ 14 billion pesos for resources for the Leticia hospital. This money, he assured, will be sent in the first weeks of June to “strengthen the supply subsidy, and the hospital has fresh resources and can work.”

(You may be interested: Coronavirus outbreak in Leticia prison: 85 cases confirmed)

In addition, Ruiz called on the population to wear the mask.

This Tuesday, the government assured, they sent additional tests and equipment such as thermal fogging drones to do a disinfection, and they sent a test machine to give it “quick and immediate response.”

For her part, the ICT minister, Karen Abudinen, assured that Amazonas will have four points of connectivity, so that they can communicate permanently. Likewise, He pointed out that Leticia’s hospital was technologically connected to have a telemedicine service. He added that 500,000 households may have subsidies, for strata 1 and 2 so that they can be connected. You can have the registration to access these subsidies by registering on the Mintic page or through cell phones.

Regarding the sectors that have been reactivated, the Housing Minister, Jonathan Malagón, pointed out that “more than 60% of the collaborators (from the building sector) are making use of alternative transport systems.”

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