Duque said that the vaccine against covid will be managed by the State and will be free – Government – Politics


President Iván Duque announced on Tuesday that the vaccines against covid-19, which are approved and acquired by the Colombian State, will be delivered free of charge and in a timely manner to the Colombian population.

“We are moving towards this vaccine acquisition process and I want the message to be clear: the vaccines are going to be acquired by the State and we, as the Government, are going to guarantee that these vaccines are delivered free of charge to the Colombian population “Said the president on the television program Prevention and Action.

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That cost will be assumed by the Colombian State. That has been the guideline and the way in which we have been working with the Ministry of Health ”, emphasized the president.

In any event, Duque reiterated that Colombia is part of the global vaccine procurement strategy known as Covax and recalled that the Government has bilateral confidentiality agreements with some of the world’s pharmaceutical companies that have the potential to develop successful vaccines.

(Also: Colombia prepares a plan for a potential coronavirus vaccine)

The head of state said that despite the fact that there are laboratories that have made great progress in the development of vaccines against covid, “here no one can be trusted, here no one can let their guard down and we cannot begin to make happy accounts”.

“The vaccine is something that we all long for, but we must also recognize that at this moment what we have to do is advance in the safe reactivation. As we say so many times, wear a mask, be detached, wash our hands constantly and, of course, avoid crowds, “he said.

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