Duque receives the sharpest criticism for his daily television program – Government – Politics


Input, The country, the most prestigious Spanish-language newspaper in the world, is devastating in the analysis of the daily program ‘Prevention y Acción’ led by the Head of State: ‘Iván Duque’s television strategy withers’ it says in its main headline.

In its text, the newspaper recalls that before COVID-19 broke in to disrupt the political agenda, Duque was going through a prolonged popularity crisis and analysts agreed that his government lacked a defined direction.

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And he adds that the president, who ended 2019 besieged by the wave of protests that shook the country, found oxygen in the management of the pandemic.

“The crisis scenario allowed him to build a government narrative, multiply his appearances and raise his image. With Prevention and Action on the air, Duque rose in April to 52% approval by 39% disapproval in Gallup’s bi-monthly measurement. But that television idyll was fleeting, and soon returned to the red numbers, “he says.

“For October it registered 31% approval and 61% disapproval, figures more in line with those it showed before the coronavirus”, sentence.

Then the newspaper is categorical in the aftermath that for the image of the President has been the space in which President Iván Duque “still recites the statistics on the coronavirus in the country and in the world.”

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For October it registered 31% approval and 61% disapproval, figures more in line with those it showed before the coronavirus

“He feels comfortable, laid-back, and has become his favorite space to make all kinds of announcements, which he usually makes by staring at the camera without anyone to question him,” he writes The country.

“When a president speaks every day, as Duque is doing, it generates several dire consequences for him in terms of image,” says Eugénie Richard, an expert professor in communication and political marketing at the Externado de Colombia University. “

“The interventions of a president must maintain a certain aura and solemnity, he points out, be reserved for great moments in which the nation must be summoned. “This saturation of the media space makes the presidential word lose its importance. And that is serious in terms of reputation “says the report.

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And he argues: “During the most acute phase of the crisis, the conservative Colombian president communicated a lot but did not show concrete actions, the expert warns. More than an accountability scenario, his show feels like a monologue. And since Hugo Chávez flaunted his rhetoric in the marathon broadcasts of Aló Presidente, in Latin America that has tended to be associated with left-wing populist leaders.

“Duque takes the risk of being compared to a Chávez, a [Nicolás] Maduro or an AMLO [Andrés Manuel López Obrador]”, Values ​​Richard. “The program lost its purpose and began to take on propaganda overtones, which is not the type of communication that Colombians are expecting from their government.”

“Prevention and Action, which is close to 200 emissions over 10 months, has become part of the landscape: it has lost audience, accuses wear and tear and the opposition considers it, among others, a maneuver to avoid aftershocks.”

“He returned this Monday after a few days of Christmas break. Duque intends to” exercise increasingly stronger control over the information that circulates about his Government, “says a recent analysis by La Silla Vacía, the leading political portal in Colombia, which He describes it as a television space “where he tells what he wants, without submitting to questions from journalists or editing by the media.”

“Without counting exclusive interviews, the president has held only seven press conferences in this 2020. The last was on March 19, days before the Executive decreed the strict confinement measures that were gradually dismantled, says La Silla in his account” .

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The newspaper, finally, says that “in the last year it has become very clear that the strategy has consisted of removing the president from the press, limiting him to comfortable and concerted spaces, and maintaining control over the official narrative,” says Jonathan Bock, director Foundation for Press Freedom (Flip) “.

“That impossibility of cross-asking, verifying, validating or expanding the information” begins to create a wall with journalists, “he values, a tendency aggravated by a certain propensity to consider them as opposition.” This with a view to 2021, a year prior to elections, when they have not given signs that the program is going to be interrupted, it is worrying ”.

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