Duque insists on self-care to avoid contagion of covid-19 on Christmas night


December 24, 2020 – 12:27 pm


During the Christmas greeting, President Iván Duque invited Colombians to celebrate safely to avoid risks from covid-19.

The president said that due to the pandemic, one way to show affection to loved ones is self-care and compliance with the biosecurity protocol. In addition, he thanked the health staff, who since March has been facing the health emergency caused by the coronavirus.

He said that this time the challenge for Colombians is to bring out the Christmas spirit with creativity, to protect themselves and express their affection.

“Let us return to those values ​​that make us grow internally to form, from our homes, better human beings and, from our own roofs, contribute to the progress of the country. May this date also be the opportunity to express our gratitude. For this, today we want to thank you to healthcare professionals who, as heroes, have risked their lives to protect and save others, “he said.

The Head of State also thanked the work of the soldiers and police, as well as the businessmen, workers, entrepreneurs, teachers, students and mothers and fathers who, in record time, adapted to a new modality of study and accompaniment to that process.

Finally, Duque recognized the work of his government team, highlighted public officials, governors and mayors of the country, who he considers have worked tirelessly, thinking about the well-being of their regions.

“It is Christmas. There are lights in parks and windows, and there is a very special light of hope, with the great news that we gave Colombians with the purchase of vaccines. May the light of love and care also shine in our hearts. and of generosity, so that we can have a safe and calm celebration, with the hope that, united, we will continue to overcome this situation that 2020 brought us, and begin 2021 full of optimism, “he added.

In turn, the first lady, María Juliana Ruiz, said that she admires and thanks Colombians who have been in solidarity with the most vulnerable, showing genuine humanity.

“Christmas, which means birth, invites us to be reborn, to preserve, to persevere so as not to allow ourselves to be overcome by adversity. This Christmas, so different from others, let us honor the memory of those who left, directing our feelings and our actions towards responsible care for one another, ”he said.

And he invited extreme care with the elderly and children, since this date is special as a family, even when it implies being in the distance.

Also read: Covid-19 was the main cause of death in Colombia between January and October, according to Dane
