Duque highlights Virgin who was left standing after hurricane as a sign of “faith”


The first president, visiting the islands hit by Hurricane Iota, less than three months ago was in legal trouble for referring to religious issues. The Supreme Court had reminded him of the religious neutrality that he must preserve as head of state.

In the middle of the emergency and social crisis facing the islands of San Andrés, Providencia and Santa Catalina -Because of the damage caused by the hurricane Iota-, this Wednesday the president Ivan duque referred to what he described as “a personal anecdote” related to the image of a Virgin Mary that remained standing, despite the passing of the natural phenomenon.

Although only in August the president was in trouble by a court order that forced him to delete a social media post about the Virgin of Chiquinquirá – Failure that finally overthrew the Supreme Court of Justice – once again the president referred to religious issues, making the exception that it does not intend to “invade anyone’s faith.”

In context: President Duque will not have to erase his trill of the Virgin of Chiquinquirá: Supreme Court

Duque spoke of an episode that occurred during his visit to the islands, where he was aware of the actions of delivery of humanitarian aid (tents, medicines, and hygiene kits and food), health care and the plan oriented to debris removal and restoration of services such as drinking water, communications and electricity.

“I want to share with you, without my comment tries to invade anyone’s faith, a personal anecdote. On that tour we did in Santa Catalina, several of the people took us to one of the highest points of the island, where is an image of the Virgin Mary. It is really shocking that after a category 5 hurricane had passed through the island of Providencia, the Virgin was on her feet. Many people said that she is miraculous, because she avoided many deaths on the island ”, said the head of state.

Although Duque declared himself respectful of “all faiths, expressions, creeds or cults”, he stated that “the truth is that that image is powerful and we see faith, resilience and great capacity that the community has to face these circumstances ”.

Read also: Government declares disaster situation for the archipelago of San Andrés

This Wednesday the president also acknowledged that, although he estimated that Providencia’s reconstruction plan would take 100 days, the project will take “a little more time”. The president insisted that it is “Very serious” the trail left by Hurricane Iota.

“We have been talking about a 100 day rebuild plan. It may take us a little longer, but the important thing is that in the first 100 days of intervention we have the humanitarian assistance and delivery of solutions for the most affected families ”, Duque explained.

Although last August the Supreme Court overthrew a judgment of the Superior Court of Cali (Valle) that forced the president to eliminate a trill about the Virgin of Chiquinquirá, the high court reminded the president of the religious neutrality that he must preserve as head of state.

The president made the publication on the official Twitter account on July 9, commemorating “the 101 years of the recognition of the Virgin of Chiquinquirá as the patron saint of Colombia ”, says the trill. The publication immediately generated divided opinions that questioned Duque’s intention with the message.

One of the opponents was the Cali lawyer Víctor David Aucenon who took the case before the Superior Court of Cali. The reason? A alleged violation of freedom of worship, secularism of the State and separation between the State and the church.
