Duque Government returned us to war, denounce more than 500 social organizations and DD. H H.


In their report entitled: The misgovernment of the apprentice, authoritarianism, war and pandemic, Human Rights organizations they say that the second year of the government of Iván Duque has been characterized by the intensification of violence in the country. That is, for the return to war.

“This government is returning us to war, there are a high number of massacres in the country, social leaders have been assassinated”, says Aura Rodríguez, spokeswoman for the Human Rights platforms responsible for the report.

The report is harsh in pointing out that President Duque will go down in national history as the one that once again caused a generalized scenario of violence and that breached one of the most important agreements that the Colombian State has reached with the support of the international community.

According to the research, the expansion of post-demobilization armed groups is notable, especially in areas where the FARC no longer have a presence.

Special emphasis is made by human rights defenders In the resurgence of paramilitarism, this time paramilitaries exist in 22 of the 32 departments of the country.

Today they are known as the Gaitanista Self-Defense Forces of Colombia or ‘Clan del Golfo’, ‘Los Rastrojos’, Las Conquistadoras de la Sierra or ‘Pachenca’, ‘Los Caparrapos’ (successors of the United Self-Defense Forces of Córdoba and Urabá) and ‘La Constru’ (successors of the southern front of Putumayo).


According to Aura Rodríguez: “The most complicated situation with the paramilitary presence occurs in Antioquia, where in its 125 municipalities there is an advance and geostrategic and territorial rearrangement of these armed groups. Only in this department between 2018 and June 2020 there are 630 homicides, 56 forced disappearances, more than 6,300 incidents of forced displacement and 145 social leaders victims of violent actions “.

In Putumayo, the report reveals there is the presence of three armed actors: Dissidence from the 48, 49, 31 and 1 fronts of the Farc, a paramilitary structure called “La Constru” and a group of 30 to 40 drug traffickers, supported by the “Mexican Sinaloa Cartel”, the violence in this region goes from threat, up to hitmen, massacres and dismemberment.

There are also death threats directed against those who catch COVID-19.

In the south of Córdoba, you denounce the DD NGOs. H H. They report that 14 displacements, massacres, homicides, forced disappearances and acts of forced recruitment have been registered, as well as acts of violence attributable to the Public Force.

From the signing of the final agreement to July 2020, 45 social leaders were assassinated, 23 of these events occurred during the current government.

They are present in the territory the Gaitanista Self-Defense Forces of Colombia, the Virgilio Peralta Arenas Bloc (known as “Los Caparros”) and the new Front 18 (Cacique Coyará) of the Farc-EP, who dispute territorial control and illegal economies.

The organizations defending DD. H H. insist on a peaceful solution to the armed conflict “An imperative to build peace in Colombia is to specify the perspective of the” political solution “with the rebel organizations that are still in an armed uprising and to enable ways of subjugation of criminal structures linked to the so-called illicit economies”.

The report says: “Although many sectors of society continue to insist on the need for negotiation between the Government and the National Liberation Army (ELN), this possibility seems increasingly distant every day”.

Meanwhile, the populations of areas such as Chocó, Catatumbo, northern Cauca, and the Pacific of Nariño continue to suffer the consequences of the armed confrontation between that guerrilla and the Military Forces.

Two paths are proposed to alleviate, at least temporarily, the serious situation of these communities: that of territorial humanitarian agreements and compliance with Resolution 2532 of July 1, 2020, approved by the United Nations Security Council that requires the UN member states to promote an immediate and global ceasefire of war conflicts, whatever their circumstances, and was conceived as a humanitarian pause in favor of the population in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic.

According to the extensive report that contains more than 500 pages, Duque, with his measures to face the COVID-19 pandemic, has aimed at strengthening the financial sector, instead of guaranteeing the right to health and a basic income for the subsistence of vulnerable social sectors.

The Human Rights NGOs say that in the first three months the Government issued 164 decrees of which only 11 are directly related to the health system.

“This reality has had several consequences, perhaps the most important, is that President Iván Duque has governed by decree on a number of issues, many of them without being strictly related to the pandemic and without the respective judicial and political control, strengthening an authoritarian and arbitrary exercise of power “says the report.

In the policies generated during the pandemic, says the report, a profound differentiation is reflected in the allocation of resources from the Emergency Mitigation Fund (FOME) since 60 trillion pesos have been designated in credit guarantees for the financial system, compared to 0.96 billion allocated to the Ministry of Health and the National Institute of Health.

“The Government has only executed 12% of the budget destined to avert the crisis: of $ 29.6 billion of the budget to attend the emergency, only $ 3.6 billion have been executed, most of these resources have been used through financial intermediation: $ 2.3 billion”, says the report.

Although technically speaking, the Government has paid attention to the pandemic, in practice, it has not dealt with it directly, but has left this task in the hands of third parties.

“It is not possible to find a reasonable explanation that excuses the low execution of the resources foreseen to attend this crisis; the Ministry of Finance has $ 26.3 billion frozen with which it could finance three months of basic income to some nine million households “say defenders of DD. H H. when evaluating the second year of the government of President Iván Duque.

Human rights organizations denounce the high level of impunity that exists in the country.

“It is estimated that 71.3% of the crimes that occur are not reported to any competent authority and when inquiring about the reasons for this, there is mainly a high level of mistrust in the administration of justice and the ineffectiveness of the receiving authorities. the complaints “, ensures the investigation of social organizations.
