Duque extends selective isolation to October, due to coronavirus


The announcement was made by President Iván Duque in the middle of the daily broadcast of his ‘Prevention and Action’ program, and there he said that the selective isolation phase will be extended for another month.

“The selective isolation with responsible social distancing is going to extend throughout October. In other words, the same rules are maintained that, until now, we have followed in this month of September, ”said President Duque.

The Head of State highlighted that the decision to maintain this model of isolation is accompanied by an important recommendation: “Prevent crowds, and that depends on us.”

The importance of extending this measure, according to Duque, has to do with preventive actions to avoid a contagion of coronavirus, as well as to recover productive activities after the negative blow that the pandemic gave to the country’s economy.

This nuncio was joined by the Deputy Minister of Health, Alexánder Moscoso, who highlighted, in the program, “a constant decline” in terms of the numbers of infections and deaths from COVID-19 in Colombia.

“Since July 24, when we had 13,000 cases, we have seen a significant decrease. Likewise, since July 30, when we had unfortunate 356 cases of people who lost their lives, we have been declining”Said Moscoso, who presented graphs of how the virus has behaved in the last three months.

Another encouraging figure that the vice minister showed was that of the occupation of ICU beds, since, according to the figures, while on July 27 there were 187 patients admitted, by September 13 it had already dropped to 49 per day.

This information is a relief in the midst of the emergency, and even more so if one takes into account that the occupancy of ICU beds in Bogotá is the lowest in almost four months, being that the capital closed with patients in 812 of the 1,747 beds installed to care for people in critical condition due to coronavirus.

Selective isolation extends to October

This was the announcement made by President Iván Duque (from minute 54 onwards), which also highlighted the fact that Colombia today has a low rate in terms of active infections per million, compared to countries such as the United Kingdom, France, Belgium, Sweden and Spain.

