Duque denies that his government wants to help Trump get reelected


“Regarding the elections in the United States, President, in the last few days some statements by the former president of Colombia Juan Manuel Santos were revealed; According to the verbatim words of his predecessor, there are spokesmen for the current Colombian government who are calling on the Trump campaign to see how they can help. What is the veracity of this statement by former President Santos? ”, He begins by asking the journalist Carol Guerrero in a Deutsche Welle interview that was also published on Twitter.

Duque responds while emphasizing that Colombia has always been very respectful of the democratic processes of the countries in the world, and adds that historically the relationship between Colombia and the United States has been “bipartisan and bicameral.”

And he pointed out: “There was no need for us to try to influence a free pronouncement of citizens in the United States; that has never been our criteria ”.

Then he explained that he never refers to any comment “of a personal nature”, such as that of former President Santos.

“I would leave it there,” Duque said as a sign that he did not want to refer to the issue, but not without first launching a saying that according to the president his late father used to say:

“The one who makes them imagines them.”

The previous sentence could be interpreted as that in the government of Juan Manuel Santos such initiatives would have been advanced (offering help in US elections) and that for this reason it would give Santos to believe that the same thing would happen in the Duque government.

This is the trill with the part of the interview that refers to the issue of possible “help” from Colombia to the Donald Trump campaign.

It must be remembered that the presidential elections in the United States will be on November 3 and Trump has suggested on different occasions that if he loses, he will not recognize them. In addition, the US president has intensified his criticism of his rival Joe Biden, to the point of criticizing his relationship with Juan Manuel Santos and Gustavo Petro.
