Duque announces new measures for Easter


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President Iván Duque assured that there will be restrictions on mobility in municipalities with high ICU occupancy. There will also be a peak and a cedula.

This Tuesday, March 23, President Iván Duque announced new measures to prevent a new wave of COVID-19. Although they will be specified in a circular from the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Health that will probably be published tonight, in summary there will be restrictions on mobility and peak and ID in several municipalities. (Read In Bogotá they vaccinated 395 people who were not in the stage that corresponded to them)

According to Duque, for the weekends from Friday, March 26 to Monday, March 29 and from March 31 to April 5, the following restrictions will apply: Peak and ID in those municipalities where ICU occupancy is above 70%. But hotels will be exempt. (Read Hugs will return: this has been the vaccination in people over 80 years old)

As well there will be restrictions on night mobility from 10 pm to 5 am in those municipalities where ICU occupancy is above 70%. And from 12 am to 5 am in municipalities where ICU occupancy is above 50%.

“They are preventive measures, necessary to see a dramatic increase in ICU occupancy. It is the moment where we must take care of ourselves. Let there be tourism but without crowds, wearing masks ”, assured Duque.

Neither can crowds in public places or club activity be authorized. The municipalities that present an ICU occupancy of 80% may impose more restrictions such as establishing schedules to visit beaches or boardwalks.

The decision was made after a meeting of the COVID-19 advisory committee, in which they analyzed the increase in coronavirus cases in some cities. In several of the Caribbean coast they have increased as the availability of ICU beds has decreased.

According to what Duque and the Minister of Health Fernando Ruiz said, it is possible that a new peak of coronavirus infections could occur in Colombia.

“Vaccination is important but until we achieve herd immunity we cannot really feel protected,” said Ruiz.
