Drunk driver caused 5 car accident in Envigado (Antioquia)


A driver who was driving a pickup truck while intoxicated was It drove several cars ahead and caused a spectacular accident in which five vehicles were affected. The incident occurred in the La Paz neighborhood of Envigado (Antioquia).

Security cameras located in the sector recorded the exact moment in which the irresponsible man crashed those in front of him. The subject He did not realize that the others had braked and hit them hard from behind.

The Envigado Police Commander confirmed to the newspaper El Colombiano that the driver of the truck was drunk and ended up injured. However, he was not the only one who ended up with injuries as another person was also affected by the irresponsibility of the first. Fortunately for them, none were seriously injured.

The accident was of such magnitude that the intervention of firefighters was necessary. The latter had to evacuate a person who was trapped between the twisted iron of his car, with special care not to cause more injuries than he had.

Likewise, the authorities reported that neighbors in the sector tried to take justice into their own hands against the drunk driver. Some people attacked him, but the Police intervened to prevent a lynching.

The drunk driver was accompanied by a person in his car and both were accused by passers-by of being under the influence of psychoactive substances. Traffic agents detained them, given the evidence that they were not in their five senses.

Next, the video of the exact moment in which the spectacular accident occurred and two others that were known from the subsequent minutes that were lived in the area, already with several of the vehicles totally affected:
