Driver ran over two thieves who were robbing a woman in Villavicencio


Photo: Screenshot - News Caracol video
Photo: Screenshot – News Caracol video

The driver of the car, who witnessed how two criminals on a motorcycle rob a woman in Villavicencio, decided to take justice into his own hands and run over the thieves to save the victim. Speaking to Noticias Caracol, the man recounted the distressing event: “I saw a couple walking, they realized they were robbing someone and the man decided to help the girl. When he went to help, one of the criminals pounced on the man threatening him with a huge knife. At that moment is where I react and move my vehicle, I overtake other cars and at the start I crashed the criminal ”.

According to his testimony, he saw when the young woman got off a bus and the two subjects, who were on the motorcycle, caught up with her to assault her. However, the man’s maneuver was not enough. After being run over by the citizen, the thieves ran away. Several meters later the police and the community managed to catch one of them, unfortunately the other managed to escape.

The citizen, who kept his identity a secret, said that, before making the decision to run over the thieves, he remembered the statements of the governor of Meta, Juan Guillermo Zuluaga, about justice by his own hand and that is why he felt safe to do so .


Zuluaga invited, a few months ago, citizens to run over the thieves, he even said that he would put them a lawyer if they faced cases of insecurity. The governor pointed out, on that occasion, that he himself would take down criminals if he sees them committing crimes and stated that if someone reacts in the same way, he would offer support and legal advice so that their rights are not violated.

Faced with this case, Zuluaga told Noticias Caracol that he will honor his word and help the citizen who defended the woman to come out of these circumstances unscathed. The president also stressed that the driver and the victim of the robbery are in good health, as is the thief. “We are going to give that person all the support he needs, with all the pleasure, as we had promised.”

For his part, Colonel Luis Quintero, Commander of the Villavicencio Police, confirmed that the captured criminal, in addition to stealing from a woman, was not complying with a house arrest measure that he had had for years.

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