DPS Solidarity Income: how to check with the ID if I am a beneficiary of the seventh transfer and link to the page


The Department of Social Prosperity advances the seventh line of Solidarity Income, a program for households living in poverty and vulnerability that are not part of Familias en Acción, Jóvenes en Acción or Colombia Mayor. It is an economic incentive of $ 160,000 per month that will remain until the middle of next year, as confirmed by the President of the Republic, Iván Duque.

The general director of the entity in charge of turning these monies, Susana Correa Borrero, affirmed that the delivery of the resources of the seventh payment of Solidarity Income is made to more than 2.9 million beneficiaries, banked and unbanked. This phase started at the end of October.

How can I check if I am a beneficiary?

The National Planning Department (formerly in charge of the program) and now Social Prosperity made available to the public the Solidarity Income website, in which You can check with basic data if you are a beneficiary.

After entering the website, you must go to the option ‘Consultation of money orders and beneficiaries in process’. By clicking, You must enter your number and date of issuance of the identification, your name, surname and cell phone to find out how you can withdraw this money.

If you are a beneficiary, you will find the instructions on how to claim this aid; Furthermore, those who have not yet withdrawn the previous appropriations, they will be able to access all the accumulated they have without any type of discount by the bank or the entity designated to carry out this process.

Beneficiaries chosen without registration

The National Government and said entity have stressed that There is no type of registration, form or payment that must be made to receive the Solidarity Income, since this is done based on the Sisbén score and other socioeconomic conditions that have already been assessed by the entities in charge, such as the crossing of databases from the Ministry of Finance and Health.

How to know if they have already consigned?

After consulting if you are indeed a beneficiary with due process, after entering your document The financial entity in which the money is being consigned must appear, so you will receive instructions on how you can withdraw these funds.

If you cannot carry out this process, for which you only need access to the Internet and your personal data, the Department of Social Prosperity will implement another mechanism to find out if you are a beneficiary. You can send a text message, totally free, to the number 85594 that is part of said entity. In this you must write your personal data and ask for information about the bank that should pay you this aid. You can also write to [email protected] for any questions about Income Solidario.

Further, beneficiaries are notified via text message at the moment in which they can have the resources. For the unbanked, the message will include instructions for the opening of a digital product linked to the program or there is the option of withdrawing at the window in some financial institutions.

All against the coronavirus

By following these recommendations we prevent the spread of coronavirus (COVID-19) In our country: 1. Wash your hands frequently, 2. Do not greet people with kisses or handshakes, 3. If you cough, cover your mouth with a bent elbow or a tissue, 4. Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and your mouth, 5. If you have a fever or difficulty breathing, seek medical attention, but call line 123 first, 6. Follow the instructions of local and national authorities.

Likewise, the Ministry of Health developed an application for the cell phone that allows you to follow what is happening with Covid-19 in the country. CoronaApp is available for free for download on Android and iOS devices.

And remember, stay home!
