dozens of hungry killer whales devour a blue whale, in Australia


The incredible images were published by the tourist agency Whale watching, which explained on its website that on the day the event occurred, it had 40 tourists aboard one of its boats to watch whales.

However, people spotted a violent work of nature in the front row. JEmma Sharp, owner of Whale Watch, andx explained that the blue whale was in the wrong place at the wrong time when entering the hunting site and reproduction of killer whales.

The witnesses of the tense moment, whowhich lasted for about 3 hours, they assured that they saw at least 5 herds of killer whales attacking the blue whale.

In the images, which are widely shared on different networks, you can see how the killer whales move in the direction of the blue whale as they jump in the water. The animals, Whale Watch details, “worked together to exhaust their enormous prey” and trying not to could breathe through his blowhole.

The whole family put the weight of its body on the whale so that it could not defend itself, we saw the moment when it took its last breath and then disappeared”Recalled Jemma Sharp.

The owner of the tourist agency said it was a heartbreaking moment, but at the same time he told his clients that they should feel privileged for having witnessed the hunt from the start.

“It was a privilege to witness 2 of the most incredible creatures that have ever lived on our planet in a battle like no other in the animal kingdom,” Sharp concluded in a Facebook post.

Video of killer whales destroying a blue whale off the coast of Australia
