Donald Trump | The president is also facing a business impeachment – Sectors – Economy


The United States House of Representatives yesterday voted in favor of a new the impeachment process against Donald trump for his involvement in the assault on the Capitol last week, but the politician is not the only trial that the president is facing, as he is also facing a business one.(You may be interested: ‘Country shares and crude oil, at highs since before the covid’)

This is because as a result of the events in the Capitol, in recent days more and more companies have been ensuring that they will cut their economic ties with the president and with their brands, which would have a significant impact on their companies and could affect their fortune, which is estimated at around 2.5 billion dollars, according to the classification of Forbes.

Yesterday, the city of New York, through its mayor, Bill de Blasio, assured that the contracts they have with the company of Triumph, among which are the management of some Central Park attractions and a golf course in the Bronx, among others.

“New York City does not do business with insurgents. We are taking steps to rescind the agreements,” de Blasio said. These contracts are worth more than $ 17 million.

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On the business side, Deutsche Bank, the bank most used in recent decades by Trump, has decided that it will no longer do business with him once he repays the loan of more than 300 million dollars that he owes to the entity, and that must be paid in the coming years.

In addition, Signature Bank, another entity in which Trump has personal accounts with more than 5 million dollars and that helped him finance his golf course in Florida, has also decided to break relations with the outgoing president.

To this list, of course, we must also add technology and social networks. The latter closed their profiles on the platforms and closed accounts related to the president, while others such as Amazon took the network from another firm, Parler, used by far-right groups.

It should not be forgotten that these companies were always critical of Trump, especially because of the restrictions on his fight with China.

Besides this, others like AT&T, Mastercard, American Express, Cushman & Wakefield, Marriott, Dow, Morgan Stanley or Blue Cross Blue Shield they have cut contributions to the president or other members of his party who have continued to support him.

The Professional Golf Association (PGA) said it will not play its 2022 championship at Trump National Golf Club Bedminster in New Jersey.

Forward the trial

The House of Representatives yesterday approved to start the new political trial against Donald Trump, with 232 votes in favor (10 of them Republicans), a process that will now be debated in the Senate, which returns to its sessions on January 19, a day before the inauguration of Joe Biden.

This is the second political trial that the president will face, and although the dates would not allow him to be removed, the objective of the Democrats is to disqualify him from public office.

Of course, unlike the the impeachment process Previously, this time several Republicans would support the measure. Just yesterday, the Republican leader in the Senate, Mitch McConnell, assured that he believes that the accusation is founded, and that he is considering supporting the trial against Donald Trump.

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With AFP
