Donald Trump says he will not recognize Joe Biden’s victory – US and Canada – International


The outgoing Republican president, Donald trump, assured this Wednesday that “never” concede defeat to the president-elect, Democrat Joe Biden, by reiterating their accusations, without evidence, of electoral fraud just minutes before Congress met to validate the result of the November elections.

(Also Read: How Close Are Democrats to Controlling the Senate in the US?)

“We will never concede, we will never concede”Trump told the thousands of protesters gathered outside the White House for the march called: “Save America.”

We will stop the theft“, he remarked before the shouts of his followers of “Four more years”. In the early morning, Trump continued to pressure his vice president, Mike Pence, to reject the confirmation of the victory of the Democrat Joe Biden in the certification of the Electoral College in Congress, something that is unprecedented and that would be worthless. legal.

The president has resisted Biden’s victory in the elections since it became clear in November that he had obtained more votes than the president in key states to confirm the majority of the 538 electoral votes allocated to the 50 states of the Union.

(Read here: Pence claims he won’t stop Biden’s victory certification)

Since then, the president and a dwindling legal team have lost all legal actions to challenge the electoral result in the most important states, such as Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, Pennsylvania, or Wisconsin.

On December 14, all the states of the country certified to which candidate their Electoral College delegates assigned based on the scrutiny. That day it was clear that Biden obtained 306 of the 270 delegates necessary to be the next president of the United States as of January 20.

Never before in the history of the country has a vice president refused to sign the Electoral College’s decision, something that if it happens would put the country in unknown territory by challenging the Twelfth Amendment to the Constitutionnya good insurance would unleash a legal battle that would reach the Supreme Court.

We never give up. We will never grant

Trump asks Pence not to certify Biden’s victory

Trump also urged Vice President Mike Pence on Wednesday not to certify the electoral victory of Joe Biden in a session of Congress scheduled for this afternoon, repeating unfounded allegations of electoral fraud.

“If Mike Pence does the right thing, we win the election”Trump told his supporters gathered outside the White House. “You have the absolute right to do so.”

(Read here: Republicans seek to torpedo ratification of Biden’s victory)

“Mike Pence will have to help us, and if he doesn’t, it will be a sad day for our country.”added Trump, calling it “weak” to Republican lawmakers planning to certify Biden.

And then added in a tweet: “The states want the votes corrected, which they know are based on irregularities and fraud, as well as a corrupt process that did not receive legislative support. All Mike Pence has to do is send ( Electoral College votes) back to the states and WE WILL WIN (sic). Do it, Mike. It’s time for extreme bravery! ” However, Pence said he will not intervene to stop the certification in Congress.


Read also:

– How close are the Democrats to controlling the Senate in the US?
– US Congress meets to authenticate Biden victory
